Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shout-out to Shutterfly!

Dallas doesn't feel very wintry for the majority of the "winter" season. It's really hard to start thinking about sending out Christmas cards when you're still sporting shorts and tees outside! Despite the sunny weather, our recent Thanksgiving trip to New York (pictures to come soon!) was extra motivation to hurry up and pull a Christmas card together. I think the countdown is like 20 days? Yikes!

We decided on a picture, and then started brainstorming about cards. We're really trying to make this a simpler Christmas. We're trying to cut down our Christmas budget, and get creative with homemade gifts wherever possible. Unfortunately, this means that having Christmas cards professionally done was out of the question this year. We'd decided to print our own card and picture, and do everything ourselves. Well imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered Shutterfly's blogger promotion: free Christmas cards for bloggers! Woohoo sign me up! Of course, I immediately rush to the Shutterfly site to check out their cards. How in the world will I choose just one?!? My favorite Christmas cards usually use the words "Christmas" like this one, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to pass up this adorable "holiday" card! I also discovered the cutest calendars and personalized note pads - definitely add those to the Christmas wish list! Oh and mental note for next year...did you know you can make personalized gift tags? LOVE it!

Okay, gotta go get to addressing and stamping our Christmas cards!

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Shout-out to Shutterfly!

Dallas doesn't feel very wintry for the majority of the "winter" season. It's really hard to start thinking about sending out Christmas cards when you're still sporting shorts and tees outside! Despite the sunny weather, our recent Thanksgiving trip to New York (pictures to come soon!) was extra motivation to hurry up and pull a Christmas card together. I think the countdown is like 20 days? Yikes!

We decided on a picture, and then started brainstorming about cards. We're really trying to make this a simpler Christmas. We're trying to cut down our Christmas budget, and get creative with homemade gifts wherever possible. Unfortunately, this means that having Christmas cards professionally done was out of the question this year. We'd decided to print our own card and picture, and do everything ourselves. Well imagine my delight and surprise when I discovered Shutterfly's blogger promotion: free Christmas cards for bloggers! Woohoo sign me up! Of course, I immediately rush to the Shutterfly site to check out their cards. How in the world will I choose just one?!? My favorite Christmas cards usually use the words "Christmas" like this one, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to pass up this adorable "holiday" card! I also discovered the cutest calendars and personalized note pads - definitely add those to the Christmas wish list! Oh and mental note for next year...did you know you can make personalized gift tags? LOVE it!

Okay, gotta go get to addressing and stamping our Christmas cards!

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