
Friday, January 21, 2011

Love Me Some Arts 'n Crafts

I was totally an arts 'n crafts kid growing up. One of the camps I went to one summer (called Camp Jean D'Arc), had a perfect little arts and crafts cabin. I remember being extremely content spending a good chunk of my days there. Popsicle stick projects were a passion. Add in some paint, glitter, and maybe even tiles and glue? I was set. I don't know where it started. Maybe my mom should have paid attention to my (very) early obsession with stickers? Who knows. In any case, my arts and crafts passion is still going strong. I'll admit, I'm not the most artsy person you'll ever meet, nor do my creations often turn into masterpieces (like all my crazy talented friends who make things and then sell them online or at festivals), but my heart sure does start thump thump thumping when I see a potential new project (it also has that same reaction every time I go into Michael's or Joann's...but that's another issue to deal with!).

These days I mainly stick to scrapbooking, which by the way, is SO on the to do list for this to come! See? There. Now I have to save some time to work on my current album since now you're going to be checking back all weekend to see the finished project. Oh mind tricks.

Anyway, scrapbooking aside, I stumbled across a few arts & crafts blogs and was so overwhelmed with the desire to start a new project that I just have to share these cute ideas with all of you. Enjoy. And maybe choose one to work on yourself! And then send me a picture :)

First up: a Fancy Weathered Frame. Cute, cute! How great is the weathered look? I want to make one just like this! Maybe with a big pink bow instead? Yes. On the list. It's a long list. Step by step instructions are at a fun blog called Lemmon Tree Creations. Just in case you're as excited about this as me. They make it look super even better reason to make one!

Next, Glittery XO Letters. Love it! Found these at blog called Pursuit of Happiness. The letters start out plain and boring and are transformed into pretty pieces of art with scrapbooking paper and glue! They look awesome on a bookshelf. These are Valentine's themed, but man, you could make these for any holiday! Red and green for Christmas? Pastel colors for spring? The funny part is, I've definitely bought things like this before. I definitely want to try to make my own!

Orange Sugar crafty blogger person created this one. A homemade jewelry organizer! I want to make one! Or two? But again, I'm thinking pink framed instead?

And finally, at a blog called Creative Art & Design (perfect name, huh?), the zipper flowers. Love it! Love them all. Want to make them all. I need to quit my job and just work on arts and crafts all day. Okay, maybe not. But I do want an arts & crafts room in our (someday) house. I'm dead serious. The deal is, Taylor gets a man-cave and I get an arts & crafts room. Mmmm a huge table right in the middle of the room...walls lined with storage boxes filled with scraps of paper, ribbon, fabric, glue, and glitter. Can't wait!

Okay. Enough daydreaming. Back to the present. My hubs is almost home and there is dinner to be made...trying out a second recipe from my book! Come back to find out what it is and how it was!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Love Me Some Arts 'n Crafts

I was totally an arts 'n crafts kid growing up. One of the camps I went to one summer (called Camp Jean D'Arc), had a perfect little arts and crafts cabin. I remember being extremely content spending a good chunk of my days there. Popsicle stick projects were a passion. Add in some paint, glitter, and maybe even tiles and glue? I was set. I don't know where it started. Maybe my mom should have paid attention to my (very) early obsession with stickers? Who knows. In any case, my arts and crafts passion is still going strong. I'll admit, I'm not the most artsy person you'll ever meet, nor do my creations often turn into masterpieces (like all my crazy talented friends who make things and then sell them online or at festivals), but my heart sure does start thump thump thumping when I see a potential new project (it also has that same reaction every time I go into Michael's or Joann's...but that's another issue to deal with!).

These days I mainly stick to scrapbooking, which by the way, is SO on the to do list for this to come! See? There. Now I have to save some time to work on my current album since now you're going to be checking back all weekend to see the finished project. Oh mind tricks.

Anyway, scrapbooking aside, I stumbled across a few arts & crafts blogs and was so overwhelmed with the desire to start a new project that I just have to share these cute ideas with all of you. Enjoy. And maybe choose one to work on yourself! And then send me a picture :)

First up: a Fancy Weathered Frame. Cute, cute! How great is the weathered look? I want to make one just like this! Maybe with a big pink bow instead? Yes. On the list. It's a long list. Step by step instructions are at a fun blog called Lemmon Tree Creations. Just in case you're as excited about this as me. They make it look super even better reason to make one!

Next, Glittery XO Letters. Love it! Found these at blog called Pursuit of Happiness. The letters start out plain and boring and are transformed into pretty pieces of art with scrapbooking paper and glue! They look awesome on a bookshelf. These are Valentine's themed, but man, you could make these for any holiday! Red and green for Christmas? Pastel colors for spring? The funny part is, I've definitely bought things like this before. I definitely want to try to make my own!

Orange Sugar crafty blogger person created this one. A homemade jewelry organizer! I want to make one! Or two? But again, I'm thinking pink framed instead?

And finally, at a blog called Creative Art & Design (perfect name, huh?), the zipper flowers. Love it! Love them all. Want to make them all. I need to quit my job and just work on arts and crafts all day. Okay, maybe not. But I do want an arts & crafts room in our (someday) house. I'm dead serious. The deal is, Taylor gets a man-cave and I get an arts & crafts room. Mmmm a huge table right in the middle of the room...walls lined with storage boxes filled with scraps of paper, ribbon, fabric, glue, and glitter. Can't wait!

Okay. Enough daydreaming. Back to the present. My hubs is almost home and there is dinner to be made...trying out a second recipe from my book! Come back to find out what it is and how it was!

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