
Saturday, January 15, 2011


Taylor and I love Starbucks. In fact, at this exact moment, we are set up with our laptops in a comfortable nook at our local (Coppell) Starbucks, each munching on a yummy breakfast pastry (blueberry muffin for my hubs and a cheese danish for me), and sipping warm delicious coffee (or more technically, a short cappuccino for a Taylor and a tall non-fat latte for me). As I connected to the Starbucks wifi when we arrived, I noticed an interesting article about changes for the Starbucks logo in the near future. This was big news to my inner Starbucks junkie (not to mention the part of me obsessed with anything related to advertising or branding). Check it out:

There's an article on the change that you can read here, but basically they looked at the most important elements of the current logo (shape, color, typeface, and the mermaid character aka Siren) and recreated a new logo with a more sophisticated look. I kind of dig it. What do you think?


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Saturday, January 15, 2011


Taylor and I love Starbucks. In fact, at this exact moment, we are set up with our laptops in a comfortable nook at our local (Coppell) Starbucks, each munching on a yummy breakfast pastry (blueberry muffin for my hubs and a cheese danish for me), and sipping warm delicious coffee (or more technically, a short cappuccino for a Taylor and a tall non-fat latte for me). As I connected to the Starbucks wifi when we arrived, I noticed an interesting article about changes for the Starbucks logo in the near future. This was big news to my inner Starbucks junkie (not to mention the part of me obsessed with anything related to advertising or branding). Check it out:

There's an article on the change that you can read here, but basically they looked at the most important elements of the current logo (shape, color, typeface, and the mermaid character aka Siren) and recreated a new logo with a more sophisticated look. I kind of dig it. What do you think?


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