
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice, Snow, and Baked Goods Galore

This week has been pretty ridiculous. Tuesday and Wednesday were declared snow/ice days (at least for me...poor Taylor had to go in to work). By Thursday the roads were looking a little better so my company decided to have everyone come in for a partial work day. After two days of watching news reports about countless accidents because icy roads...let's just say I was pretty nervous about getting myself to work. I made it in without any problems, caught up on work, and left with enough time to get home before it got dark.

This is where it goes downhill. I noticed that the car was pretty low on gas. I decided to stop in the local 7-11 gas station to fill up. Please note that earlier in the day Taylor prepped me on how to drive on ice. He explained the physics of it and told me how to accelerate and brake. We also made sure that I was driving the car with collision coverage (which is of course the newer, prettier car). Just in case. Well I started to turn right into the gas station and the car slides left on the ice. Braking doesn't work. If there hadn't been a big pickup truck sitting in the way of my sliding car it would have been totally okay. I'm sure the car would have stopped sliding at some point. So, to make a long story short, my car finally stopped sliding on the ice when it crashed into the side door of a pickup. It took us a little maneuvering to get my car out of his but we eventually got unstuck and parked. No one was hurt (except for our poor cars). It wasn't even that bad of an accident, just scary. After we sorted everything out and I made it home, I called my boss at work and told her that I was officially too scared to drive to work in the morning. She said it was okay not to come in, and as it turned out, the whole office got another snow day anyway. A legit snow day...with "lots" of fluffy snow. Check it out:

So 3 snow days in one week...crazy! When I wasn't crashing my car into someone else's, I spent a lot of the week baking. Taylor and his team at work have been working crazy hours for the past few weeks and they are the perfect excuse to bake lots of yummy cookies. I baked cookie batch number one on Wednesday using one of my fun Christmas presents...a cookie press! 

A cookie press is such a novel idea, I love it! The box came with an easy (and yummy) recipe for the dough. Once it's ready, you fill up the cookie press like this:

It comes with a bunch of different disks to put on the end, each making a different shaped cookie. I started with this cute flower one. The actual process of getting the cookies onto the baking pan was super easy! You just set the tip down on the pan, click the gun once, and then lift straight up...and presto! Pretty shapes!

I added chocolate chips in the middle of some of them, sprinkled some, and added almonds to a few!

The result was so very delicious!

Friday brought on a double round of baking. I knew Taylor would be working all day Saturday (the last day of their very long project!) and wanted to have lots of goodies to bring in for all the guys. Blueberry muffins were first up on the list. How scrumptious do these look? I found the recipe at and YUM. 

They're called "To Die For Blueberry Muffins" - it's true. You want to write down this recipe. I promise. My only piece of advice would be that you should pile on the crumb mixture. It looks a little weird at first, but once you put them into the oven, the butter melts and creates the most amazing crumbly top for the the more you put on, the better.
Okay, so on to the third and final baking adventure of this snow week: special Radium/ReelFX themed cookies (for the guys at Taylor's job). These were super fun to make. I found a new sugar cookie recipe and LOVE it. Seriously, this is my new favorite. All my sugar cookies from now on will be made this way.

Taylor's company is called ReelFX. The commercial division that he specifically works for is called Radium. These are the company logos:
These are my cookie-version. What do you think? Not too bad if I do say so myself. You can tell what's been consuming my thoughts lately. 

 I can't technically talk about this for now I'll just say that this is a cookie tribute to everything Taylor has been working on for the past two months. If you were to deduce that BEP stands for Black Eyed Peas then you would be right. 

The guys got as much of a kick out of the cookies as Taylor and I did!


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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice, Snow, and Baked Goods Galore

This week has been pretty ridiculous. Tuesday and Wednesday were declared snow/ice days (at least for me...poor Taylor had to go in to work). By Thursday the roads were looking a little better so my company decided to have everyone come in for a partial work day. After two days of watching news reports about countless accidents because icy roads...let's just say I was pretty nervous about getting myself to work. I made it in without any problems, caught up on work, and left with enough time to get home before it got dark.

This is where it goes downhill. I noticed that the car was pretty low on gas. I decided to stop in the local 7-11 gas station to fill up. Please note that earlier in the day Taylor prepped me on how to drive on ice. He explained the physics of it and told me how to accelerate and brake. We also made sure that I was driving the car with collision coverage (which is of course the newer, prettier car). Just in case. Well I started to turn right into the gas station and the car slides left on the ice. Braking doesn't work. If there hadn't been a big pickup truck sitting in the way of my sliding car it would have been totally okay. I'm sure the car would have stopped sliding at some point. So, to make a long story short, my car finally stopped sliding on the ice when it crashed into the side door of a pickup. It took us a little maneuvering to get my car out of his but we eventually got unstuck and parked. No one was hurt (except for our poor cars). It wasn't even that bad of an accident, just scary. After we sorted everything out and I made it home, I called my boss at work and told her that I was officially too scared to drive to work in the morning. She said it was okay not to come in, and as it turned out, the whole office got another snow day anyway. A legit snow day...with "lots" of fluffy snow. Check it out:

So 3 snow days in one week...crazy! When I wasn't crashing my car into someone else's, I spent a lot of the week baking. Taylor and his team at work have been working crazy hours for the past few weeks and they are the perfect excuse to bake lots of yummy cookies. I baked cookie batch number one on Wednesday using one of my fun Christmas presents...a cookie press! 

A cookie press is such a novel idea, I love it! The box came with an easy (and yummy) recipe for the dough. Once it's ready, you fill up the cookie press like this:

It comes with a bunch of different disks to put on the end, each making a different shaped cookie. I started with this cute flower one. The actual process of getting the cookies onto the baking pan was super easy! You just set the tip down on the pan, click the gun once, and then lift straight up...and presto! Pretty shapes!

I added chocolate chips in the middle of some of them, sprinkled some, and added almonds to a few!

The result was so very delicious!

Friday brought on a double round of baking. I knew Taylor would be working all day Saturday (the last day of their very long project!) and wanted to have lots of goodies to bring in for all the guys. Blueberry muffins were first up on the list. How scrumptious do these look? I found the recipe at and YUM. 

They're called "To Die For Blueberry Muffins" - it's true. You want to write down this recipe. I promise. My only piece of advice would be that you should pile on the crumb mixture. It looks a little weird at first, but once you put them into the oven, the butter melts and creates the most amazing crumbly top for the the more you put on, the better.
Okay, so on to the third and final baking adventure of this snow week: special Radium/ReelFX themed cookies (for the guys at Taylor's job). These were super fun to make. I found a new sugar cookie recipe and LOVE it. Seriously, this is my new favorite. All my sugar cookies from now on will be made this way.

Taylor's company is called ReelFX. The commercial division that he specifically works for is called Radium. These are the company logos:
These are my cookie-version. What do you think? Not too bad if I do say so myself. You can tell what's been consuming my thoughts lately. 

 I can't technically talk about this for now I'll just say that this is a cookie tribute to everything Taylor has been working on for the past two months. If you were to deduce that BEP stands for Black Eyed Peas then you would be right. 

The guys got as much of a kick out of the cookies as Taylor and I did!


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