
Sunday, March 20, 2011


Bliss is getting to go back to Pepperdine for a (super fun incredible amazing) weekend

Bliss is getting to walk around campus with my hubby for the first time since we left almost 2 years ago and take tons of pictures

Bliss is being surrounded by stunningly gorgeous palm trees

Bliss is standing on campus and being reminded of the incredible breath-taking views. I know God's work is everywhere but man oh man is it evident in Malibu!

Bliss is getting to visit the chapel where we got married and remember our wedding day (and get super excited for our friends, Emily & Ky, who are getting married in the same chapel this summer!)

Bliss is getting to spend the weekend going to awesome meetings with alumni chapter leaders across the country and hear dozens of great ideas and best practices

Bliss is getting to make new friends, meet other chapter presidents, and hang out with our awesome coordinator Sandra (left next to me)

Bliss is getting to be a Pepperdine alum and still be actively involved with my school

Bliss is getting to see, hear, smell, and touch the ocean!

Bliss is getting to see all the changes Pepperdine has made to the campus in the past year and half (and getting to meet George!)

Bliss is going back to Rosenthal winery in Malibu where Taylor took me the day he proposed

Our weekend in Malibu at Pepperdine was...blissful! What an amazing weekend! We got to see old friends: Jamie (one of my roomies for two years at Pepperdine and bridesmaid at our wedding), and Scott (Taylor's old roomie and good friend). We got to visit lots of favorite restaurants and eateries: dinner at Father's Office, lunch at Howdy's, breakfast at Lilly's (most amazing breakfast burritos in the world), and a trip (or two) to Coffee Bean. We got to walk around campus, take lots of pictures, and reminisce about when we lived in LA. Of course, the main part of the weekend for me was being at the Pepperdine Alumni Leadership Conference, which was incredible (I'm the DFW Chapter president, if there's anyone out there who didn't know). Chapter leaders from all around the country come together for a weekend of sharing ideas, learning new tips on how to make our chapters better, getting to connect with the Pepperdine staff in Malibu, and a lot of general getting to know each other. It was such an inspiring conference - I came home with a looong list of exciting new ideas for our chapter and have already been getting a few of them rolling.

It was an awesome weekend and made me realize a few things:

  1. I miss the ocean
  2. I miss palm trees
  3. I miss the views from campus
  4. I took numbers 1-3 for granted while I was at Pepperdine
  5. I love Pepperdine and being involved with our alumni chapter
  6. I can't wait to go back to Malibu in June!

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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Bliss is getting to go back to Pepperdine for a (super fun incredible amazing) weekend

Bliss is getting to walk around campus with my hubby for the first time since we left almost 2 years ago and take tons of pictures

Bliss is being surrounded by stunningly gorgeous palm trees

Bliss is standing on campus and being reminded of the incredible breath-taking views. I know God's work is everywhere but man oh man is it evident in Malibu!

Bliss is getting to visit the chapel where we got married and remember our wedding day (and get super excited for our friends, Emily & Ky, who are getting married in the same chapel this summer!)

Bliss is getting to spend the weekend going to awesome meetings with alumni chapter leaders across the country and hear dozens of great ideas and best practices

Bliss is getting to make new friends, meet other chapter presidents, and hang out with our awesome coordinator Sandra (left next to me)

Bliss is getting to be a Pepperdine alum and still be actively involved with my school

Bliss is getting to see, hear, smell, and touch the ocean!

Bliss is getting to see all the changes Pepperdine has made to the campus in the past year and half (and getting to meet George!)

Bliss is going back to Rosenthal winery in Malibu where Taylor took me the day he proposed

Our weekend in Malibu at Pepperdine was...blissful! What an amazing weekend! We got to see old friends: Jamie (one of my roomies for two years at Pepperdine and bridesmaid at our wedding), and Scott (Taylor's old roomie and good friend). We got to visit lots of favorite restaurants and eateries: dinner at Father's Office, lunch at Howdy's, breakfast at Lilly's (most amazing breakfast burritos in the world), and a trip (or two) to Coffee Bean. We got to walk around campus, take lots of pictures, and reminisce about when we lived in LA. Of course, the main part of the weekend for me was being at the Pepperdine Alumni Leadership Conference, which was incredible (I'm the DFW Chapter president, if there's anyone out there who didn't know). Chapter leaders from all around the country come together for a weekend of sharing ideas, learning new tips on how to make our chapters better, getting to connect with the Pepperdine staff in Malibu, and a lot of general getting to know each other. It was such an inspiring conference - I came home with a looong list of exciting new ideas for our chapter and have already been getting a few of them rolling.

It was an awesome weekend and made me realize a few things:

  1. I miss the ocean
  2. I miss palm trees
  3. I miss the views from campus
  4. I took numbers 1-3 for granted while I was at Pepperdine
  5. I love Pepperdine and being involved with our alumni chapter
  6. I can't wait to go back to Malibu in June!

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