
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Twenty Seven

Do you believe in birthday-weekends?

I do.

In fact, I believe in celebrating a birthday as long as you possibly can. It only comes around once a year - gotta make it last!

Anyway, this past weekend we celebrated Taylor's 27th birthday Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. It was an awesome, birthday-filled 3 days!

Friday we celebrated together.
We both worked late but I was determined to make Taylor a fabulous dinner (and succeeded if I do say so myself!).

What was on the menu you ask?

Snap peas.

[Steak is Taylor's favorite food in the whole wide world. It's my favorite too. This usually works out well for us!]

We've recently started making steak in a skillet on the stove and in the oven. Try it. It'll change your life. You season the steak (salt, pepper, and a little olive oil), sear each side for two minutes, and then put the skillet in the oven for 8 minutes. Fabulous, fabulous steak. Nom.

Saturday we celebrated with friends.
We had a small par-tay at our place Saturday evening and had a fun time with fun friends!

Sunday we celebrated with family.
Taylor's mom is very aware of his favorite food in the whole wide world and made the family a delicious meal of steak, potatoes, salad, and a phenomenal cake.

Happy, happy birthday to the best husband ever!!!



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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Twenty Seven

Do you believe in birthday-weekends?

I do.

In fact, I believe in celebrating a birthday as long as you possibly can. It only comes around once a year - gotta make it last!

Anyway, this past weekend we celebrated Taylor's 27th birthday Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday. It was an awesome, birthday-filled 3 days!

Friday we celebrated together.
We both worked late but I was determined to make Taylor a fabulous dinner (and succeeded if I do say so myself!).

What was on the menu you ask?

Snap peas.

[Steak is Taylor's favorite food in the whole wide world. It's my favorite too. This usually works out well for us!]

We've recently started making steak in a skillet on the stove and in the oven. Try it. It'll change your life. You season the steak (salt, pepper, and a little olive oil), sear each side for two minutes, and then put the skillet in the oven for 8 minutes. Fabulous, fabulous steak. Nom.

Saturday we celebrated with friends.
We had a small par-tay at our place Saturday evening and had a fun time with fun friends!

Sunday we celebrated with family.
Taylor's mom is very aware of his favorite food in the whole wide world and made the family a delicious meal of steak, potatoes, salad, and a phenomenal cake.

Happy, happy birthday to the best husband ever!!!



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