Tuesday, August 11, 2015

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks!

Total weight gain: Pretty sure I finally hit the 20 lb. mark a few days ago.

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Best moment this week: A few to mention:

Two girlfriends from work and I got to visit another sweet friend's new baby last week! Beckett was barely a week old and absolutely adorable. We brought our friend lunch and ate together as we ooh'ed and ah'ed over the baby.

On Friday, Taylor's company threw us a baby shower over lunch. There was delicious seafood from Pappadeaux's, a beautiful (and incredibly tasty) pink strawberry cake from Society Bakery, and a huge stack of gifts! It was so sweet to see how many of Taylor's coworkers joined in the celebration. My only regret is that I didn't get to take a single picture because we were all so busy talking!

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep through the night without waking up & needing to use the bathroom! Baby girl seems to like hanging out right on my bladder a lot of the time. I feel like this is definitely an "oh well" situation since it's not like we're going to get to sleep through the night once she's here!

Movement: Lots and lots. I feel like she's getting stronger too - some of the movements are pretty intense! It's funny when other people catch a glimpse of her moving - you can totally see the look of shock/surprise on their faces!

Cravings: This week it's been citrus fruit (grapefruit specifically) and chocolate. Not together! Also plums that still have a bit of tartness to them. Good tart nectarines sound delicious as well.

Symptoms: Still trying to keep the foot swelling under control. Also, the baby has started kicking my lungs when I lounge in bed before we go to sleep. I have to sit up straighter or lay all the way down to get to stop. I'm glad she's head down but man sometimes it's hard to breathe with her feet knocking the air out of me!

Mood/Sleep: Mood okay - I'm starting to feel a little anxious about everything we need to get done before our little lady arrives. People keep telling me not to worry too much and that a baby doesn't need very much at all at first, but my type-A personality isn't buying that :) I'm not actually worried about things we need to do for the baby, more just all the stuff I would like to have in order for my own peace of mind. As for sleep, see above!

Looking forward to: Taking the day off work on Friday! I have a long list of baby-related errands to run and I can't wait to check a bunch of things off my to-do list. Oh yea, and my birthday is Sunday - it totally snuck up on me this year!

Baby Appointment Update: I went in for my 36-week appointment yesterday and baby is right on track as far as they could tell. She's measuring 37 weeks (so a few days ahead) and had a steady heartbeat of 130 bpm. At this point I move to having weekly appointment and my OB does a cervix check at each appointment to check dilation. Yesterday, much to my OB's surprise, I was dilated a little over 1 cm & my cervix is starting to soften. She said this is rare for first-time-moms but was a great sign! When I asked her how long she typically lets her patients go past their due date, she said that I probably wouldn't make it that long (but the answer was not past 41 weeks). That response definitely put Taylor and I into gear and that same day he talked to his HR department about getting the baby on his insurance and I found us a pediatrician!

Baby girl is the size of a honeydew this week!
Measuring 17.2-18.7 inches & weighing 4.2-5.8 lbs.

Oh I finally got our maternity pictures downloaded! Here's a sneak peak at one of my favs. I barely look pregnant in some of the pictures and we took them only a little over a month ago!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks!

Total weight gain: Pretty sure I finally hit the 20 lb. mark a few days ago.

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Best moment this week: A few to mention:

Two girlfriends from work and I got to visit another sweet friend's new baby last week! Beckett was barely a week old and absolutely adorable. We brought our friend lunch and ate together as we ooh'ed and ah'ed over the baby.

On Friday, Taylor's company threw us a baby shower over lunch. There was delicious seafood from Pappadeaux's, a beautiful (and incredibly tasty) pink strawberry cake from Society Bakery, and a huge stack of gifts! It was so sweet to see how many of Taylor's coworkers joined in the celebration. My only regret is that I didn't get to take a single picture because we were all so busy talking!

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep through the night without waking up & needing to use the bathroom! Baby girl seems to like hanging out right on my bladder a lot of the time. I feel like this is definitely an "oh well" situation since it's not like we're going to get to sleep through the night once she's here!

Movement: Lots and lots. I feel like she's getting stronger too - some of the movements are pretty intense! It's funny when other people catch a glimpse of her moving - you can totally see the look of shock/surprise on their faces!

Cravings: This week it's been citrus fruit (grapefruit specifically) and chocolate. Not together! Also plums that still have a bit of tartness to them. Good tart nectarines sound delicious as well.

Symptoms: Still trying to keep the foot swelling under control. Also, the baby has started kicking my lungs when I lounge in bed before we go to sleep. I have to sit up straighter or lay all the way down to get to stop. I'm glad she's head down but man sometimes it's hard to breathe with her feet knocking the air out of me!

Mood/Sleep: Mood okay - I'm starting to feel a little anxious about everything we need to get done before our little lady arrives. People keep telling me not to worry too much and that a baby doesn't need very much at all at first, but my type-A personality isn't buying that :) I'm not actually worried about things we need to do for the baby, more just all the stuff I would like to have in order for my own peace of mind. As for sleep, see above!

Looking forward to: Taking the day off work on Friday! I have a long list of baby-related errands to run and I can't wait to check a bunch of things off my to-do list. Oh yea, and my birthday is Sunday - it totally snuck up on me this year!

Baby Appointment Update: I went in for my 36-week appointment yesterday and baby is right on track as far as they could tell. She's measuring 37 weeks (so a few days ahead) and had a steady heartbeat of 130 bpm. At this point I move to having weekly appointment and my OB does a cervix check at each appointment to check dilation. Yesterday, much to my OB's surprise, I was dilated a little over 1 cm & my cervix is starting to soften. She said this is rare for first-time-moms but was a great sign! When I asked her how long she typically lets her patients go past their due date, she said that I probably wouldn't make it that long (but the answer was not past 41 weeks). That response definitely put Taylor and I into gear and that same day he talked to his HR department about getting the baby on his insurance and I found us a pediatrician!

Baby girl is the size of a honeydew this week!
Measuring 17.2-18.7 inches & weighing 4.2-5.8 lbs.

Oh I finally got our maternity pictures downloaded! Here's a sneak peak at one of my favs. I barely look pregnant in some of the pictures and we took them only a little over a month ago!

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