Monday, November 9, 2015

arden elisabeth | 2 months

Arden at TWO months

Weight: 10 pounds 8 ounces (25th percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 14 oz

Height: 23.0 in (75th percentile)
Birth: 19.5 in

Head: 15.5 inches (80th percentile)

Arden is smiling more and more these days!
She's particularly smily in the mornings or right after eating.
We haven't heard a giggle yet, but her gurgles and coos are getting longer and louder.

Baby girl is officially in size 1 diapers.
They seemed so huge when we made the switch, but now they just seem like the right size.

She's wearing all size 0-3 clothing, but a few things are starting to seem tight!

She's way better at getting her hands/fists into her mouth and will keep them there for a good minute before swinging them away.

Arden is still eating every 2.5-3 hours, except for her long stretches of sleep at night (total of 7-8 feedings per day).
She eats for about 10-12 minutes each time.

I've still been pumping after hr first two morning feedings every day, and currently have 164 oz. of milk stocked in the freezer!

Arden is great at taking a bottle - both sides of grandparents have fed her a handful of times while Taylor and I have been gone.
At her 2 mo. well check the pediatrician said that we might need to switch to the next stage bottle soon.

Arden keeps being more awake and alert as the weeks go on, which makes our "play" times more and more fun. She's way less of a sleepy infant now. We talk to her a ton when she it awake, and she usually babbles back a little bit.

We try to do tummy time often (or as often as we remember to!).
At this point she's supposed to be getting in about an hour a day...we're working on getting better at doing it - the doctor said that we can cut the hour into shorter increments.

Arden and I love reading books - we try to read at least something every day.
She tends to sit pretty calmly while I read to her - I think she likes listening to my voice.
After reading through all her baby board books about a zillion times, I realized that I needed to read something with a little more substance or I'd go crazy, so I've started reading her the American Girl series (chapter book). The books were mine from when I was little and it's been a blast reading through them again.
We started a book wish list (here) and add to it every time we get a good recommendation!

A baby "sleeping through the night" is defined as sleeping for at least 5 hours straight at night....and we are there!! Arden regularly has one good & long 5 hour stretch of sleep now.

One night she actually slept for 6 hours straight.
It was amazing.
And hasn't happened again, ha!

Her nighttime schedule goes a little something like this:
 Jammies on and ready for bed between 930-1030pm
Last nighttime feed
Rocking to sleep (or sometimes she just falls asleep after eating)

She usually sleeps until 330am, and then wakes to eat (so it's somewhere between 5-6 hours of sleep here). Then she goes back to sleep until around 630am (another 3 hours here) and then we're up for the day. Sometimes this varies a little bit, but overall she's typically only waking up once a night to eat now!

I was a bumblebee for Halloween!


Dad put my lamb on my head...he's so silly!

Two months!!

We love books!!

Arden loves her daddy!

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Monday, November 9, 2015

arden elisabeth | 2 months

Arden at TWO months

Weight: 10 pounds 8 ounces (25th percentile)
Birth: 6 lbs 14 oz

Height: 23.0 in (75th percentile)
Birth: 19.5 in

Head: 15.5 inches (80th percentile)

Arden is smiling more and more these days!
She's particularly smily in the mornings or right after eating.
We haven't heard a giggle yet, but her gurgles and coos are getting longer and louder.

Baby girl is officially in size 1 diapers.
They seemed so huge when we made the switch, but now they just seem like the right size.

She's wearing all size 0-3 clothing, but a few things are starting to seem tight!

She's way better at getting her hands/fists into her mouth and will keep them there for a good minute before swinging them away.

Arden is still eating every 2.5-3 hours, except for her long stretches of sleep at night (total of 7-8 feedings per day).
She eats for about 10-12 minutes each time.

I've still been pumping after hr first two morning feedings every day, and currently have 164 oz. of milk stocked in the freezer!

Arden is great at taking a bottle - both sides of grandparents have fed her a handful of times while Taylor and I have been gone.
At her 2 mo. well check the pediatrician said that we might need to switch to the next stage bottle soon.

Arden keeps being more awake and alert as the weeks go on, which makes our "play" times more and more fun. She's way less of a sleepy infant now. We talk to her a ton when she it awake, and she usually babbles back a little bit.

We try to do tummy time often (or as often as we remember to!).
At this point she's supposed to be getting in about an hour a day...we're working on getting better at doing it - the doctor said that we can cut the hour into shorter increments.

Arden and I love reading books - we try to read at least something every day.
She tends to sit pretty calmly while I read to her - I think she likes listening to my voice.
After reading through all her baby board books about a zillion times, I realized that I needed to read something with a little more substance or I'd go crazy, so I've started reading her the American Girl series (chapter book). The books were mine from when I was little and it's been a blast reading through them again.
We started a book wish list (here) and add to it every time we get a good recommendation!

A baby "sleeping through the night" is defined as sleeping for at least 5 hours straight at night....and we are there!! Arden regularly has one good & long 5 hour stretch of sleep now.

One night she actually slept for 6 hours straight.
It was amazing.
And hasn't happened again, ha!

Her nighttime schedule goes a little something like this:
 Jammies on and ready for bed between 930-1030pm
Last nighttime feed
Rocking to sleep (or sometimes she just falls asleep after eating)

She usually sleeps until 330am, and then wakes to eat (so it's somewhere between 5-6 hours of sleep here). Then she goes back to sleep until around 630am (another 3 hours here) and then we're up for the day. Sometimes this varies a little bit, but overall she's typically only waking up once a night to eat now!

I was a bumblebee for Halloween!


Dad put my lamb on my head...he's so silly!

Two months!!

We love books!!

Arden loves her daddy!

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