Tuesday, December 13, 2016

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 20-21 Weeks

21 Weeks!
At the TRG Christmas party with my work bestie, Carla:

I'm bringing back the stat list (like last pregnancy) to try to (hopefully) make posting a little easier (and more consistent?)!

How far along? 
21 weeks!

Total weight gain? 
8.4 lbs so far (2.1 lbs in 1st tri & 6.3 lbs in second tri so far). That's around-ish a pound a week, which is right on track. Last time it looks like I was somewhere between 7-9 lbs. up at this point, so doing almost exactly the same!

Maternity clothes?
They're the best. I'm pretty much only wearing maternity tops during the day, but still squeezing into non-maternity sleep shirts. I realized last night before bed that my belly sticks out of the bottom of my shirts...I need to figure out what I wore to sleep last time!

Stretch marks?
Last time around I ended up with only one or two small marks near my belly button. They are becoming pretty visible (to me) now, but they were pretty small and faded when I wasn't pregnant. It is making me panic a little bit though so I'm trying to be diligent about putting on lotion in the mornings and at night.

Still sleeping amazingly well...and a lot. Most days I'm in bed by 9pm at the latest. At least 9 hours of sleep has been pretty much a must for this pregnancy. I've had no problem sleeping through the night - the only thing that hinders that is when Arden wakes up for some reason (she's has a little cough for the past few nights & it's been waking her - and me - up at night).

Lots at night! As is normal for me, when I settle down on the sofa or in bed at night, I can feel baby boy moving around. Taylor can feel him too, and this week I could even visibly see movement just from looking at my belly. It's crazy! I still don't feel him move around during the day yet.

No cravings at this point. A few minor symptoms lately: swollen feet by the end of the day (ugh, yes, already!), tired by early afternoons, and minor back aches. I don't remember feeling quite this pregnant last time.

Best/Worst moment this week?
Let's see...lot's of fun things.

Arden and I went on a chilly picnic in the park one day. She loves loves, loves the park! It's been getting dark so early lately that we have to really rush to get there so we have enough time to play and then we have to rush home for dinner. So this time, I just packed up dinner for Arden in our new (a-maz-ing) to-go lunch box, and we played at the park and then stopped to eat when Arden got hungry. I have my eye on this little snack box for us to get next - these little bento-type boxes are awesome. I'm learning that toddler foods are best in tiny little pieces (for little hands!) and we usually offer Arden at least 3-4 types of things per meal. It's really nice to have a sturdy container with multiple compartment - and one that also keeps everything from getting smushed!

Thursday afternoon Arden had her 15-month well-check. She's doing great and growing like a tall and skinny weed. She's 20.8 lbs (45%) & 31.5 inches tall (80%). Arden does NOT like our doctor, sadly. She burst into tears when he walked in! She does love the toys in the waiting room though:

Thursday night we went to the Pepperdine Christmas party. It was great to catch up with friends! Sweet friends of ours are expecting their first baby in January - it was fun talking to them about babies. We snuck in a bump picture before we left:

Then Friday night was my work Christmas party. This is about half of the people I work with. We have the best team! Jim (in the middle) is our fearless leader and THE best boss ever.

This weekend the temperature went back up to the 70s, so we spent a lot of time at the playground! Arden loves the swings. We also learned that she's apparently totally fearless because she climbed up to the slide and promptly dove down it - headfirst! She thought it was hilarious.

20 Weeks pregnant with Arden here.

21 Weeks pregnant with Arden here.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 20-21 Weeks

21 Weeks!
At the TRG Christmas party with my work bestie, Carla:

I'm bringing back the stat list (like last pregnancy) to try to (hopefully) make posting a little easier (and more consistent?)!

How far along? 
21 weeks!

Total weight gain? 
8.4 lbs so far (2.1 lbs in 1st tri & 6.3 lbs in second tri so far). That's around-ish a pound a week, which is right on track. Last time it looks like I was somewhere between 7-9 lbs. up at this point, so doing almost exactly the same!

Maternity clothes?
They're the best. I'm pretty much only wearing maternity tops during the day, but still squeezing into non-maternity sleep shirts. I realized last night before bed that my belly sticks out of the bottom of my shirts...I need to figure out what I wore to sleep last time!

Stretch marks?
Last time around I ended up with only one or two small marks near my belly button. They are becoming pretty visible (to me) now, but they were pretty small and faded when I wasn't pregnant. It is making me panic a little bit though so I'm trying to be diligent about putting on lotion in the mornings and at night.

Still sleeping amazingly well...and a lot. Most days I'm in bed by 9pm at the latest. At least 9 hours of sleep has been pretty much a must for this pregnancy. I've had no problem sleeping through the night - the only thing that hinders that is when Arden wakes up for some reason (she's has a little cough for the past few nights & it's been waking her - and me - up at night).

Lots at night! As is normal for me, when I settle down on the sofa or in bed at night, I can feel baby boy moving around. Taylor can feel him too, and this week I could even visibly see movement just from looking at my belly. It's crazy! I still don't feel him move around during the day yet.

No cravings at this point. A few minor symptoms lately: swollen feet by the end of the day (ugh, yes, already!), tired by early afternoons, and minor back aches. I don't remember feeling quite this pregnant last time.

Best/Worst moment this week?
Let's see...lot's of fun things.

Arden and I went on a chilly picnic in the park one day. She loves loves, loves the park! It's been getting dark so early lately that we have to really rush to get there so we have enough time to play and then we have to rush home for dinner. So this time, I just packed up dinner for Arden in our new (a-maz-ing) to-go lunch box, and we played at the park and then stopped to eat when Arden got hungry. I have my eye on this little snack box for us to get next - these little bento-type boxes are awesome. I'm learning that toddler foods are best in tiny little pieces (for little hands!) and we usually offer Arden at least 3-4 types of things per meal. It's really nice to have a sturdy container with multiple compartment - and one that also keeps everything from getting smushed!

Thursday afternoon Arden had her 15-month well-check. She's doing great and growing like a tall and skinny weed. She's 20.8 lbs (45%) & 31.5 inches tall (80%). Arden does NOT like our doctor, sadly. She burst into tears when he walked in! She does love the toys in the waiting room though:

Thursday night we went to the Pepperdine Christmas party. It was great to catch up with friends! Sweet friends of ours are expecting their first baby in January - it was fun talking to them about babies. We snuck in a bump picture before we left:

Then Friday night was my work Christmas party. This is about half of the people I work with. We have the best team! Jim (in the middle) is our fearless leader and THE best boss ever.

This weekend the temperature went back up to the 70s, so we spent a lot of time at the playground! Arden loves the swings. We also learned that she's apparently totally fearless because she climbed up to the slide and promptly dove down it - headfirst! She thought it was hilarious.

20 Weeks pregnant with Arden here.

21 Weeks pregnant with Arden here.

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