Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's Official

Taylor says it looks like I just turned 21. I disagree...sort of. Plus, any of you reading this would (hopefully) know that's not true. I think it more looks like I finally got a new license in the mail, and I'm excited. Very excited. Yes, of course I blurred out my info (Mom, I do in fact realize this is a public blog). And yes, I promise it was a total coincidence that I just happened to check the mail right before we went into a wine shop. SO excited for my new Texas ID!

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's Official

Taylor says it looks like I just turned 21. I disagree...sort of. Plus, any of you reading this would (hopefully) know that's not true. I think it more looks like I finally got a new license in the mail, and I'm excited. Very excited. Yes, of course I blurred out my info (Mom, I do in fact realize this is a public blog). And yes, I promise it was a total coincidence that I just happened to check the mail right before we went into a wine shop. SO excited for my new Texas ID!

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