
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let There Be Light!!!

Last weekend Taylor and I took on the task of putting up Christmas lights on the front of the house. As a city girl (meaning from "the" in NYcity) I have never ever put up lights on a house before. Sure I helped Taylor put up a strand or two on our apartment balcony last year, and I've put lights up inside, but I've never experienced the huge project of putting up lights on the outside of a house. We started by detangling all the lights. Taylor isn't crazy about this part.

Once we had each stand of lights detangled and laid out on the lawn, we started testing. Most of them worked perfectly, but a few strands had dark sections because of non-working lights. Don't you just hate that? What an awful design! I was determined to make the most of what we had, so I went through each and every light bulb and figured out which ones needed to be replaced.

Next Taylor broke out the massive ladder and started attaching the lights to the roof. This was definitely the hard part! Taylor did an awesome job and got the first side of the house completely done in no time.

The second side of the house was just a tiny bit more challenging (Taylor was shocked twice - yes twice!), but we conquered it. The lights and house look beautiful and I'm thrilled that I've had my first experience putting up outside lights!


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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let There Be Light!!!

Last weekend Taylor and I took on the task of putting up Christmas lights on the front of the house. As a city girl (meaning from "the" in NYcity) I have never ever put up lights on a house before. Sure I helped Taylor put up a strand or two on our apartment balcony last year, and I've put lights up inside, but I've never experienced the huge project of putting up lights on the outside of a house. We started by detangling all the lights. Taylor isn't crazy about this part.

Once we had each stand of lights detangled and laid out on the lawn, we started testing. Most of them worked perfectly, but a few strands had dark sections because of non-working lights. Don't you just hate that? What an awful design! I was determined to make the most of what we had, so I went through each and every light bulb and figured out which ones needed to be replaced.

Next Taylor broke out the massive ladder and started attaching the lights to the roof. This was definitely the hard part! Taylor did an awesome job and got the first side of the house completely done in no time.

The second side of the house was just a tiny bit more challenging (Taylor was shocked twice - yes twice!), but we conquered it. The lights and house look beautiful and I'm thrilled that I've had my first experience putting up outside lights!


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