
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Turkey Day in the Big Apple

We set our alarms for 4:45am on Thanksgiving morning in order to make our 7:00am flight to New York. We made it through security without having to endure a full body scan, and were actually early for our flight (man, I love DFW airport!). We arrived at LaGuardia with enough time to travel to Long Island for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

Day two (which just happened to be Black Friday), started with a trip to B&H to play with cameras (for Taylor), and then a quick run into H&M (for me). After battling the crowds around 34th street, we decided it was time for a quick coffee break. Before we left Dallas, Taylor had discovered a New York Times ap called The Scoop. The ap suggests places to visit and shop, things to do and see, and restaurants/bars/coffee shops to try. You choose a category and it lists everything close to where you are. So Taylor asked for a coffee shop, and we ended up at Stumptown coffee at The Ace Hotel. Delicious! Then we headed out to Long Island to spend the afternoon and evening with my cousins and aunt and uncle.

The next day we started out early with high hopes of having a delicious New York bagel for breakfast. Much to our dismay, the place we were headed was closed! We settled for an "average" bagel (from Dunkin Doughnuts sadly), and continued downtown to meet up with Erin, a friend of ours from Pepperdine. She's in law school at Fordham and we hadn't seen her since our wedding - it was fun to catch up! This time we had coffee at Knave at Le Parker Meridian (The Scoop wins again!). Our adventure continued downtown to the High Line. The High Line is an above-ground railway that has been converted into a beautiful park that runs for about 10 blocks. Very pretty, perfect place for pictures, and free! By this time we were starving, freezing, and in dire need of a snack. We stopped in Craftbar and shared a delicious wild mushroom bruchetta. We continued on to our final destination of the day: Mary Poppins, the musical! We met my mom near Times Square at a cute Thai place for a quick bite to eat, and then headed over to the theater. It was such a fun show!

Sunday we visited the Met! Then my sweet husband humored me with a trip to Alice's Tea Cup. This place is a fairytale come to life. The decor is completely whimsical and you feel like you've been transported into the story. We each had a pot of tea and two incredibly delicious scones (I had an almond joy scone and a buttermilk scone, Taylor had pumpkin spice and basil/goat cheese).

Monday morning we DID have an awesome New York bagel - at Russ and Daughter's (which is technically a fish place...where they have like 10 different kinds of lox you can order for your bagel). Yum. Yum. Yum. The only catch was that we sat to sit on a bench outside to eat! Then we got to visit my company's New York office. What a treat that was! My HR person was so sweet to show us around and introduce us to a bunch of people (including the president of Cox Reps and the president of Telerep!). We were right next to Grand Central, so we stopped in for some pictures and a look at the Holiday Fair. We ended our day with a stop at Bar Americain, Bobby Flay's NY restaurant. SO good.

On our last night, we bought and Christmas tree and decorated it with my mom. Taylor got his first experience of buying a tree from a stand on the street and then carrying it all the way home! It was a fun (though too short) trip!

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Turkey Day in the Big Apple

We set our alarms for 4:45am on Thanksgiving morning in order to make our 7:00am flight to New York. We made it through security without having to endure a full body scan, and were actually early for our flight (man, I love DFW airport!). We arrived at LaGuardia with enough time to travel to Long Island for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

Day two (which just happened to be Black Friday), started with a trip to B&H to play with cameras (for Taylor), and then a quick run into H&M (for me). After battling the crowds around 34th street, we decided it was time for a quick coffee break. Before we left Dallas, Taylor had discovered a New York Times ap called The Scoop. The ap suggests places to visit and shop, things to do and see, and restaurants/bars/coffee shops to try. You choose a category and it lists everything close to where you are. So Taylor asked for a coffee shop, and we ended up at Stumptown coffee at The Ace Hotel. Delicious! Then we headed out to Long Island to spend the afternoon and evening with my cousins and aunt and uncle.

The next day we started out early with high hopes of having a delicious New York bagel for breakfast. Much to our dismay, the place we were headed was closed! We settled for an "average" bagel (from Dunkin Doughnuts sadly), and continued downtown to meet up with Erin, a friend of ours from Pepperdine. She's in law school at Fordham and we hadn't seen her since our wedding - it was fun to catch up! This time we had coffee at Knave at Le Parker Meridian (The Scoop wins again!). Our adventure continued downtown to the High Line. The High Line is an above-ground railway that has been converted into a beautiful park that runs for about 10 blocks. Very pretty, perfect place for pictures, and free! By this time we were starving, freezing, and in dire need of a snack. We stopped in Craftbar and shared a delicious wild mushroom bruchetta. We continued on to our final destination of the day: Mary Poppins, the musical! We met my mom near Times Square at a cute Thai place for a quick bite to eat, and then headed over to the theater. It was such a fun show!

Sunday we visited the Met! Then my sweet husband humored me with a trip to Alice's Tea Cup. This place is a fairytale come to life. The decor is completely whimsical and you feel like you've been transported into the story. We each had a pot of tea and two incredibly delicious scones (I had an almond joy scone and a buttermilk scone, Taylor had pumpkin spice and basil/goat cheese).

Monday morning we DID have an awesome New York bagel - at Russ and Daughter's (which is technically a fish place...where they have like 10 different kinds of lox you can order for your bagel). Yum. Yum. Yum. The only catch was that we sat to sit on a bench outside to eat! Then we got to visit my company's New York office. What a treat that was! My HR person was so sweet to show us around and introduce us to a bunch of people (including the president of Cox Reps and the president of Telerep!). We were right next to Grand Central, so we stopped in for some pictures and a look at the Holiday Fair. We ended our day with a stop at Bar Americain, Bobby Flay's NY restaurant. SO good.

On our last night, we bought and Christmas tree and decorated it with my mom. Taylor got his first experience of buying a tree from a stand on the street and then carrying it all the way home! It was a fun (though too short) trip!

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