
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bayley Ree

A few weekends ago I got to participate in an all-day photo-shoot for my sweet sister-in-law, Bayley. She is a senior at ACU and will be graduating in just a few short weeks! Taylor, the awesome brother that he is, offered to take pictures of Bayley, and so the three of us set out on a mission to capture a graduation-announcement-worthy picture. We took pictures in four locations with two outfit changes for our model.

Before we started, Taylor had asked Bayley if she had any creative ideas on locations to take pictures. She promptly replied "an elementary school, of course!" Such a cute idea, right??? Bayley is an Education major at ACU and is currently finishing up her student teaching. She will be looking for a job as an elementary school teacher when she graduates, so a school was the perfect back-drop for our first stop. Isn't she beautiful?? (And yes, Elementary School does get cut off here...sorry!)

I got to take my own share of action pictures while they were working away (when I wasn't doing my job of holding up the reflector to get the perfect amount of light on Bayley), which yes, made me feel like a paparazzo sneaking around!

Next we moved on to Grapevine Springs park. Apparently this is THE place to take graduation/wedding/family pics near Coppell. It certainly was a beautiful park! How much do you love Bayley's outfit? I was so impressed that she could pull off cowboy boots and pearls!

A few more stalker-ish pictures of the picture-taking in progress:

Me and Bayley!!! I love my sister :)

Next, we moved on to Grapevine, and then ended in Deep Ellum:

Love me some fish-eye lens!

We had to get at least one of us!

These are in Deep Ellum (in downtown Dallas). Someone who used to work at Taylor's company designed these sculptures for the city. They're so fun for pictures!

This guy is my favorite!

Here's a few of Taylor and me. I love this little chick...check out the reflection in the picture! In the middle you can see Taylor taking the picture laying down on the ground, and on the left you can see Bayley holding the reflector.

Just hanging out with the iron dude:

So there you go! We had a blast taking pictures all day and ended up with dozens of really great shots. Bayley was able to narrow it down to one perfect picture for her graduation announcements, so I'd say we definitely accomplished our mission!

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bayley Ree

A few weekends ago I got to participate in an all-day photo-shoot for my sweet sister-in-law, Bayley. She is a senior at ACU and will be graduating in just a few short weeks! Taylor, the awesome brother that he is, offered to take pictures of Bayley, and so the three of us set out on a mission to capture a graduation-announcement-worthy picture. We took pictures in four locations with two outfit changes for our model.

Before we started, Taylor had asked Bayley if she had any creative ideas on locations to take pictures. She promptly replied "an elementary school, of course!" Such a cute idea, right??? Bayley is an Education major at ACU and is currently finishing up her student teaching. She will be looking for a job as an elementary school teacher when she graduates, so a school was the perfect back-drop for our first stop. Isn't she beautiful?? (And yes, Elementary School does get cut off here...sorry!)

I got to take my own share of action pictures while they were working away (when I wasn't doing my job of holding up the reflector to get the perfect amount of light on Bayley), which yes, made me feel like a paparazzo sneaking around!

Next we moved on to Grapevine Springs park. Apparently this is THE place to take graduation/wedding/family pics near Coppell. It certainly was a beautiful park! How much do you love Bayley's outfit? I was so impressed that she could pull off cowboy boots and pearls!

A few more stalker-ish pictures of the picture-taking in progress:

Me and Bayley!!! I love my sister :)

Next, we moved on to Grapevine, and then ended in Deep Ellum:

Love me some fish-eye lens!

We had to get at least one of us!

These are in Deep Ellum (in downtown Dallas). Someone who used to work at Taylor's company designed these sculptures for the city. They're so fun for pictures!

This guy is my favorite!

Here's a few of Taylor and me. I love this little chick...check out the reflection in the picture! In the middle you can see Taylor taking the picture laying down on the ground, and on the left you can see Bayley holding the reflector.

Just hanging out with the iron dude:

So there you go! We had a blast taking pictures all day and ended up with dozens of really great shots. Bayley was able to narrow it down to one perfect picture for her graduation announcements, so I'd say we definitely accomplished our mission!

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