
Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little Dose of Energy for Your Monday

Yesterday evening on our way to small group, Taylor suggested we take a little break from the boring and totally repetitive music on the radio and instead listen to a sermon podcast by Erwin McManus. A little back-story: Erwin is the minister at a church in LA called Mosaic (where Taylor used to go to church when we lived there) and he’s an incredible preacher. You can find all the sermons online here if you’re interested.

This particular sermon was entitled “Energy Carrier” and pretty much blew me away.

He starts by talking about the concept of energy. We are all “energy carriers” and “life givers;” we have the power to heal one another. We have the power to build each other up. On the same note, we also have the power to hurt one another. That’s where this becomes interesting…what kind of energy are you giving off?

When you enter a room, do absorb the light and make it darker? Or do you give off light and hope and make the room that much brighter?

He goes on to ask these questions: When people are around you, do they find themselves with more hope? Are they more optimistic about life? After a conversation with you, do they leave feeling energized? Was the time in conversation rich and full?

Man, I so know exactly the type of person he’s talking about. I can easily think of people I know who just radiate life and joy. They have crazy passion for life. They make you laugh. They make you feel good. They are people who you just want to talk to, be around, and spend time with.

The best part of this? God has given each of us the power (aka energy) we need to be a light in the world. All we have to do is take advantage of this awesome gift! Erwin explained that this means “stepping into a relationship with God where you allow him to be your source of healing so that you can become a source of healing to the world around you.” Pretty cool huh? You get fueled by the love of God so you can go on and show that love to everyone else.

If you are committed to giving off more energy than you take in…you will become a gift to the world.

The summarizing end of his sermon was the real kicker for me…he says:

“Get up in the morning realizing that there is a God that created you and He longs to energize you and pour His love and power into your life so you can become a conduit of His life to the world around you.”

Man oh man do I love that thought.

Doesn’t that idea just make Mondays seem a little bit better?

Okay God, if you’re really convinced that I’m a good energy channel for You and a good way to show off Your kingdom, then bring it on. I’m all in.

Take that Monday!

1 comment:

  1. SO good!! And a really great reminder for me this Monday!


Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little Dose of Energy for Your Monday

Yesterday evening on our way to small group, Taylor suggested we take a little break from the boring and totally repetitive music on the radio and instead listen to a sermon podcast by Erwin McManus. A little back-story: Erwin is the minister at a church in LA called Mosaic (where Taylor used to go to church when we lived there) and he’s an incredible preacher. You can find all the sermons online here if you’re interested.

This particular sermon was entitled “Energy Carrier” and pretty much blew me away.

He starts by talking about the concept of energy. We are all “energy carriers” and “life givers;” we have the power to heal one another. We have the power to build each other up. On the same note, we also have the power to hurt one another. That’s where this becomes interesting…what kind of energy are you giving off?

When you enter a room, do absorb the light and make it darker? Or do you give off light and hope and make the room that much brighter?

He goes on to ask these questions: When people are around you, do they find themselves with more hope? Are they more optimistic about life? After a conversation with you, do they leave feeling energized? Was the time in conversation rich and full?

Man, I so know exactly the type of person he’s talking about. I can easily think of people I know who just radiate life and joy. They have crazy passion for life. They make you laugh. They make you feel good. They are people who you just want to talk to, be around, and spend time with.

The best part of this? God has given each of us the power (aka energy) we need to be a light in the world. All we have to do is take advantage of this awesome gift! Erwin explained that this means “stepping into a relationship with God where you allow him to be your source of healing so that you can become a source of healing to the world around you.” Pretty cool huh? You get fueled by the love of God so you can go on and show that love to everyone else.

If you are committed to giving off more energy than you take in…you will become a gift to the world.

The summarizing end of his sermon was the real kicker for me…he says:

“Get up in the morning realizing that there is a God that created you and He longs to energize you and pour His love and power into your life so you can become a conduit of His life to the world around you.”

Man oh man do I love that thought.

Doesn’t that idea just make Mondays seem a little bit better?

Okay God, if you’re really convinced that I’m a good energy channel for You and a good way to show off Your kingdom, then bring it on. I’m all in.

Take that Monday!

1 comment:

  1. SO good!! And a really great reminder for me this Monday!
