
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Doesn't It Seem Like Just Yesterday?

The answer to that is yes.
Jamie, me, Allie, & Anna on graduation day...May 2nd 2009
I'm having such a hard time believing that it's been two years since that day we walked across that stage and became Pepperdine graduates. Two years?!? I think time is going a little too fast for me. Can someone slow it down? 

Have we really had two years without classes to go to, papers to write, or exams to take? (Okay...well I guess this doesn't reallllly apply to all of us since some of our super ambitious friends (like Anna) jumped right back into grad school!)

Have we really spent two years in the "working-world" already? That's crazy.

Can I still say "I just graduated from Pepperdine" ???

It's bittersweet to see all the Facebook status updates today as graduation is getting ready to start in Malibu. I would go back and do it all over again in a heartbeat. 

Jamie, Allie, & Anna - I miss you girls! I'm so glad for all the fun we got to have together during our four years at Pepperdine!

Congrats to the Pepperdine class of 2011!

1 comment:

  1. You're just a doll, Gwenny. I miss you! It is crazy, although I remember the paper writing well, as I've been avoiding an essay deadline for the last three days. Stupid royal wedding forcing me to go to parties all day instead of the library.
    Sending you love from London!!!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Doesn't It Seem Like Just Yesterday?

The answer to that is yes.
Jamie, me, Allie, & Anna on graduation day...May 2nd 2009
I'm having such a hard time believing that it's been two years since that day we walked across that stage and became Pepperdine graduates. Two years?!? I think time is going a little too fast for me. Can someone slow it down? 

Have we really had two years without classes to go to, papers to write, or exams to take? (Okay...well I guess this doesn't reallllly apply to all of us since some of our super ambitious friends (like Anna) jumped right back into grad school!)

Have we really spent two years in the "working-world" already? That's crazy.

Can I still say "I just graduated from Pepperdine" ???

It's bittersweet to see all the Facebook status updates today as graduation is getting ready to start in Malibu. I would go back and do it all over again in a heartbeat. 

Jamie, Allie, & Anna - I miss you girls! I'm so glad for all the fun we got to have together during our four years at Pepperdine!

Congrats to the Pepperdine class of 2011!

1 comment:

  1. You're just a doll, Gwenny. I miss you! It is crazy, although I remember the paper writing well, as I've been avoiding an essay deadline for the last three days. Stupid royal wedding forcing me to go to parties all day instead of the library.
    Sending you love from London!!!
