
Friday, May 27, 2011

We Moved!

Hopefully now you’ll forgive us for the lack of posts over the last two and a half weeks. Man have we been busy! We moved into our new place one week ago from today with the help of Taylor’s two brothers, Sawyer and Jaxon, and our friend Andy. We never would have been able to do it without them. They rock. Seriously.

The actual moving process went surprisingly well. Taylor and I had spent the two weeks prior packing up our room and getting our storage unit ready for the big day. Do you ever look at all your belongings and wonder how the heck you accumulated so much stuff? We kept thinking that over and over. And over!

Thursday around lunchtime (the day before the move), Taylor and I met at the apartment complex to fill out paperwork and drop off paint for the painters. Yes, we painted an accent wall! Okay well we didn't technically do the painting...but that's only because our apartment has crazy high (18-foot) ceilings in all the rooms and painting a wall that tall just didn't make it on our to do list. But having someone else do it sure did!

We had gone to home depot a few weeks before to choose a color. There were a LOT of choices.

I was leaning towards a beautiful pink color scheme. Wouldn't a huge pink wall just make you happy all the time? Yes. It would. Taylor quickly nixed my idea though, and made me walk away from the pinks. :(

Betcha you're just dying to know which one we went with!

This card was the winner! 

Our accent wall is beautiful Teal Bayou blue!

Thursday afternoon, right before the end of the workday, my coworkers surprised me with a "contrats on the new apartment" basket full of goodies! I was completely blown away! It was totally out of the blue and so sweet of them! They even matched a few items in the basket to our new apartment color theme (we were later shocked and amazed to discover that the pillow has the EXACT color of our new wall in it!). I have the best coworkers :)

Now I have to tell you that my absolute worst fear about moving was that it was going to rain on our moving day and all of our stuff would get wet. All week I'd been obsessively checking the weather and unfortunately, every day the forecast called for rain on Friday (THE day). Not just a light drizzle. No, we were supposed to expect a torrential downpour. Ugh! So Friday morning it was incredibly humid and damp as we all piled into four cars (that were packed to the brim with all of our stuff from the house) to make the drive downtown. The rain held of for about 15 minutes of our drive and then it absolutely poured! It was raining so hard at one point that you could barely see the car in front of you. It was bad. But then, just as we got close to the apartment, it stopped!

We stopped by the office, got our keys, and were able to see the apartment (and our super cool accent wall) for the first time! 

We emptied out the cars and then set off to our storage unit (for the rest of our stuff and all of our furniture). Taylor stopped along the way and picked up a U-Haul trailer which the guys hitched to Taylor's parents Suburban. We got to the storage unit and the guys packed my car full of fragile boxes and then sent me back to the apartment to order lunch (which was totally okay with me...I'm not exactly the most useful person when furniture moving is going on!). 

We stopped to eat lunch and then spent a few hours making trips from the garage (where the trailer was parked) to the apartment. Fortunately the apartment complex has an elevator so we didn't have to haul anything up flights of stairs. 

Once everything was moved in, we said goodbye to our fantastic helpers and Taylor and I set off to return the trailer and pick up the last few items from the storage unit. Our luck majorly ran out at this point because we got to U-Haul just as it was pouring again. My sweet husband had to unhitch the trailer right in the middle of the downpour. The guys at U-Haul got soaked too, but it made me wonder why they didn't have some sort of covered area to return trailers and trucks on days like that! It was still raining when we got to the storage unit, and this time I had to jump out in the rain as well to help load up the last of our stuff. I'd been wearing cute sneakers that were relatively new, so I took them off and moved stuff in my bare feet. Not extremely smart, I know, but my shoes are okay! Needless to say, we were very excited to finally make it back home and change into dry clothes!

Saturday and Sunday were spent unpacking as many boxes as we could and we did a really good job of making the apartment livable. This past week we've been unpacking every night after work but there's still a lot left for this weekend! As soon as the apartment is in a more "finished" state I will share some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. 1) We had painters do our whole house before we moved in and I will never, ever paint another wall myself again :) And our walls aren't very tall at all. But it is worth the splurge!

    2) I CANNOT wait to see the new place!! I know it will be adorably cute :)


Friday, May 27, 2011

We Moved!

Hopefully now you’ll forgive us for the lack of posts over the last two and a half weeks. Man have we been busy! We moved into our new place one week ago from today with the help of Taylor’s two brothers, Sawyer and Jaxon, and our friend Andy. We never would have been able to do it without them. They rock. Seriously.

The actual moving process went surprisingly well. Taylor and I had spent the two weeks prior packing up our room and getting our storage unit ready for the big day. Do you ever look at all your belongings and wonder how the heck you accumulated so much stuff? We kept thinking that over and over. And over!

Thursday around lunchtime (the day before the move), Taylor and I met at the apartment complex to fill out paperwork and drop off paint for the painters. Yes, we painted an accent wall! Okay well we didn't technically do the painting...but that's only because our apartment has crazy high (18-foot) ceilings in all the rooms and painting a wall that tall just didn't make it on our to do list. But having someone else do it sure did!

We had gone to home depot a few weeks before to choose a color. There were a LOT of choices.

I was leaning towards a beautiful pink color scheme. Wouldn't a huge pink wall just make you happy all the time? Yes. It would. Taylor quickly nixed my idea though, and made me walk away from the pinks. :(

Betcha you're just dying to know which one we went with!

This card was the winner! 

Our accent wall is beautiful Teal Bayou blue!

Thursday afternoon, right before the end of the workday, my coworkers surprised me with a "contrats on the new apartment" basket full of goodies! I was completely blown away! It was totally out of the blue and so sweet of them! They even matched a few items in the basket to our new apartment color theme (we were later shocked and amazed to discover that the pillow has the EXACT color of our new wall in it!). I have the best coworkers :)

Now I have to tell you that my absolute worst fear about moving was that it was going to rain on our moving day and all of our stuff would get wet. All week I'd been obsessively checking the weather and unfortunately, every day the forecast called for rain on Friday (THE day). Not just a light drizzle. No, we were supposed to expect a torrential downpour. Ugh! So Friday morning it was incredibly humid and damp as we all piled into four cars (that were packed to the brim with all of our stuff from the house) to make the drive downtown. The rain held of for about 15 minutes of our drive and then it absolutely poured! It was raining so hard at one point that you could barely see the car in front of you. It was bad. But then, just as we got close to the apartment, it stopped!

We stopped by the office, got our keys, and were able to see the apartment (and our super cool accent wall) for the first time! 

We emptied out the cars and then set off to our storage unit (for the rest of our stuff and all of our furniture). Taylor stopped along the way and picked up a U-Haul trailer which the guys hitched to Taylor's parents Suburban. We got to the storage unit and the guys packed my car full of fragile boxes and then sent me back to the apartment to order lunch (which was totally okay with me...I'm not exactly the most useful person when furniture moving is going on!). 

We stopped to eat lunch and then spent a few hours making trips from the garage (where the trailer was parked) to the apartment. Fortunately the apartment complex has an elevator so we didn't have to haul anything up flights of stairs. 

Once everything was moved in, we said goodbye to our fantastic helpers and Taylor and I set off to return the trailer and pick up the last few items from the storage unit. Our luck majorly ran out at this point because we got to U-Haul just as it was pouring again. My sweet husband had to unhitch the trailer right in the middle of the downpour. The guys at U-Haul got soaked too, but it made me wonder why they didn't have some sort of covered area to return trailers and trucks on days like that! It was still raining when we got to the storage unit, and this time I had to jump out in the rain as well to help load up the last of our stuff. I'd been wearing cute sneakers that were relatively new, so I took them off and moved stuff in my bare feet. Not extremely smart, I know, but my shoes are okay! Needless to say, we were very excited to finally make it back home and change into dry clothes!

Saturday and Sunday were spent unpacking as many boxes as we could and we did a really good job of making the apartment livable. This past week we've been unpacking every night after work but there's still a lot left for this weekend! As soon as the apartment is in a more "finished" state I will share some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. 1) We had painters do our whole house before we moved in and I will never, ever paint another wall myself again :) And our walls aren't very tall at all. But it is worth the splurge!

    2) I CANNOT wait to see the new place!! I know it will be adorably cute :)
