
Sunday, June 19, 2011

As promised...

Here are some pictures of our new place! It's about time right? So, first up: the large (blue) accent wall in our living room. What do you think? We LOVE it! Isn't the blue such a fun pop (or explosion really) of color?

Here's an angled (and not so tall) view of the living room. Remember that blue pillow I mentioned in my last post that my coworkers got us as a housewarming gift? Doesn't it just go perfectly with the blue wall?

Another "normal height" view of the living room. It's so funny looking at it like this because when you walk in your eyes really do go all the way up to the ceiling!

Taylor surprised me with gorgeous pink roses!

Here's the bathroom - we LOVE having 2 sinks. I hadn't really ever thought it was a big deal to share one with Taylor, but now that I've had the experience of having my very own sink....I'm never going back :) Oh! And total side note, the bamboo in the corner is the same bamboo that we had at our wedding! No joke. We brought back a huge vase of them from the wedding and I've managed to keep these 4 little stalks alive for two years! I definitely do not have a green thumb so you gotta understand this is quite an accomplishment for me!

This is a little view of our bedroom (do you get the feeling we like the color blue???).

View from our balcony:

The next few pictures are of our favorite part of the apartment...the kitchen! We love to cook so having a big enough kitchen for the two of us to comfortably use was as a major factor in our apartment search. We don't normally have so many goodies out - these pictures were taken right before our housewarming party a few weeks ago.

This is the perfect way to balance out a dinner of bread, cheese and cupcakes!

Mmm mmm! Love me some homemade Sprinkles cupcakes!

A few days after the party our flowers were lookin all sorts of crazy but I loved it!

So voila! The apartment :) Our study is still a total work in progress so pictures of that will be coming soonish!

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

As promised...

Here are some pictures of our new place! It's about time right? So, first up: the large (blue) accent wall in our living room. What do you think? We LOVE it! Isn't the blue such a fun pop (or explosion really) of color?

Here's an angled (and not so tall) view of the living room. Remember that blue pillow I mentioned in my last post that my coworkers got us as a housewarming gift? Doesn't it just go perfectly with the blue wall?

Another "normal height" view of the living room. It's so funny looking at it like this because when you walk in your eyes really do go all the way up to the ceiling!

Taylor surprised me with gorgeous pink roses!

Here's the bathroom - we LOVE having 2 sinks. I hadn't really ever thought it was a big deal to share one with Taylor, but now that I've had the experience of having my very own sink....I'm never going back :) Oh! And total side note, the bamboo in the corner is the same bamboo that we had at our wedding! No joke. We brought back a huge vase of them from the wedding and I've managed to keep these 4 little stalks alive for two years! I definitely do not have a green thumb so you gotta understand this is quite an accomplishment for me!

This is a little view of our bedroom (do you get the feeling we like the color blue???).

View from our balcony:

The next few pictures are of our favorite part of the apartment...the kitchen! We love to cook so having a big enough kitchen for the two of us to comfortably use was as a major factor in our apartment search. We don't normally have so many goodies out - these pictures were taken right before our housewarming party a few weeks ago.

This is the perfect way to balance out a dinner of bread, cheese and cupcakes!

Mmm mmm! Love me some homemade Sprinkles cupcakes!

A few days after the party our flowers were lookin all sorts of crazy but I loved it!

So voila! The apartment :) Our study is still a total work in progress so pictures of that will be coming soonish!

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