
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Weekend

I absolutely love long weekends. Aren't they just wonderful? I wish we had them every weekend. We were long overdue for a very chill weekend and this one totally hit the spot. I made a point to go out to the pool almost every day. It was glorious. I brought out my stash of magazines that were begging to be read and soaked up as much sun as my pale (now slightly red) skin would allow.
Friday night we discovered that the grill in our apartment complex is broken. Very sad. We marched straight into the apartment complex management office with a heaping plate of raw meat and tried to look as sad as possible. It apparently worked because the next day there was at least an "out of order" sign on the grill so other poor souls wouldn't spend 20 minutes in the scorching heat trying to get a broken grill to function. We did discover that it was broken during the Memorial Day holiday weekend too. Which makes no sense. Maybe they'll have it fixed in time for Thanksgiving. When no one wants to grill anymore. Sigh.

Saturday morning my sweet husband made me breakfast in bed! He knows the way to my heart. And by that I mean more of the feeding-me-breakfast part than the actual eating-in-bed part...but either way, it rocked!

After that we met up with two of our friends (Ky & Emily) for coffee at the Pearl Cup. These are the friends that recently got married in California...which you will know more about when I finally get around to posting about their wedding and our trip! Ky is a (recently-promoted) captain in the army and he and his new wife are shipping out for a year in Korea. It was great to catch up with them a little before they left Dallas!

Saturday afternoon (after some more good pool time) we spent a little while tidying the apartment in preparation for dinner with another set of good friends, Hayden & David. These friends used to be in our small group but then moved to Oklahoma/Ft. Worth so it's quite the challenge to get together! Our game plan had been to use the outdoor grill to cook our (blue cheese) burgers but since our apartment complex foiled that plan we resorted to pan frying the burgers...and they turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. We had such a fun evening together that we planned a second dinner-date for Monday night. Don't you just love long weekends?

Sunday morning we gave in to one of our favorite breakfasts out: Einstein bagels & Starbucks! Love me a double-toasted-sesame-bagel-with-plain-cream-cheese. Nom nom nom. After breakfast we headed over to Northpark for an early afternoon movie and discovered that the mall doesn't open until noon on Sundays! Who knew? It gave up plenty of time for (forced) window shopping! Northpark has a bunch of cute fountains and sculptures so it's actually a really fun place to walk around.
One fountain had a whole family of ducks and turtles! So cute!
We eventually plunked down near a few of the stores we actually wanted to go in to and waited for the doors to open. You should have seen the rush going into Tiffany's! :)

Cars 2 was our movie of choice for the weekend...super cute!
Sunday afternoon we headed out for a 4th of July BBQ hosted by one of Taylor's co-workers, Marvin. Yummy food and fun people!
Marvin is definitely seriously grilling in this picture. Oh and can see you see the corn we brought on the top shelf? We used Taylor's parents recipe for yummy grilled corn: husk the corn but leave the leaves attached (so just take out the stringy stuff), rub down the corn with butter, season with S&P, and then stuff/lay sprigs of fresh rosemary along the corn and tuck the leaves back up (so they cook in a little shell basically!). They're delish.
Another friend at the party, Paisley, made these fabulous looking desserts: 4th of July cupcakes and homemade apple and blueberry pie!
The majority of Monday was spent relaxing - both inside and outside by the pool! Monday night we headed to Ft. Worth for dinner round II. This time we feasted on baked fish with cheesy risotto and green beans. So. Good. After dinner we got to catch part of a local fireworks show from right outside the apartment which satisfied my 4th of July fireworks craving! The 4th of July just isn't complete without them, you know?

And so, here we are. Back to work and back into our regular routine. On the plus side, it is already Wednesday(!!!) and the next long (scheduled) weekend is only 58 days away! Sigh. 

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Weekend

I absolutely love long weekends. Aren't they just wonderful? I wish we had them every weekend. We were long overdue for a very chill weekend and this one totally hit the spot. I made a point to go out to the pool almost every day. It was glorious. I brought out my stash of magazines that were begging to be read and soaked up as much sun as my pale (now slightly red) skin would allow.
Friday night we discovered that the grill in our apartment complex is broken. Very sad. We marched straight into the apartment complex management office with a heaping plate of raw meat and tried to look as sad as possible. It apparently worked because the next day there was at least an "out of order" sign on the grill so other poor souls wouldn't spend 20 minutes in the scorching heat trying to get a broken grill to function. We did discover that it was broken during the Memorial Day holiday weekend too. Which makes no sense. Maybe they'll have it fixed in time for Thanksgiving. When no one wants to grill anymore. Sigh.

Saturday morning my sweet husband made me breakfast in bed! He knows the way to my heart. And by that I mean more of the feeding-me-breakfast part than the actual eating-in-bed part...but either way, it rocked!

After that we met up with two of our friends (Ky & Emily) for coffee at the Pearl Cup. These are the friends that recently got married in California...which you will know more about when I finally get around to posting about their wedding and our trip! Ky is a (recently-promoted) captain in the army and he and his new wife are shipping out for a year in Korea. It was great to catch up with them a little before they left Dallas!

Saturday afternoon (after some more good pool time) we spent a little while tidying the apartment in preparation for dinner with another set of good friends, Hayden & David. These friends used to be in our small group but then moved to Oklahoma/Ft. Worth so it's quite the challenge to get together! Our game plan had been to use the outdoor grill to cook our (blue cheese) burgers but since our apartment complex foiled that plan we resorted to pan frying the burgers...and they turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. We had such a fun evening together that we planned a second dinner-date for Monday night. Don't you just love long weekends?

Sunday morning we gave in to one of our favorite breakfasts out: Einstein bagels & Starbucks! Love me a double-toasted-sesame-bagel-with-plain-cream-cheese. Nom nom nom. After breakfast we headed over to Northpark for an early afternoon movie and discovered that the mall doesn't open until noon on Sundays! Who knew? It gave up plenty of time for (forced) window shopping! Northpark has a bunch of cute fountains and sculptures so it's actually a really fun place to walk around.
One fountain had a whole family of ducks and turtles! So cute!
We eventually plunked down near a few of the stores we actually wanted to go in to and waited for the doors to open. You should have seen the rush going into Tiffany's! :)

Cars 2 was our movie of choice for the weekend...super cute!
Sunday afternoon we headed out for a 4th of July BBQ hosted by one of Taylor's co-workers, Marvin. Yummy food and fun people!
Marvin is definitely seriously grilling in this picture. Oh and can see you see the corn we brought on the top shelf? We used Taylor's parents recipe for yummy grilled corn: husk the corn but leave the leaves attached (so just take out the stringy stuff), rub down the corn with butter, season with S&P, and then stuff/lay sprigs of fresh rosemary along the corn and tuck the leaves back up (so they cook in a little shell basically!). They're delish.
Another friend at the party, Paisley, made these fabulous looking desserts: 4th of July cupcakes and homemade apple and blueberry pie!
The majority of Monday was spent relaxing - both inside and outside by the pool! Monday night we headed to Ft. Worth for dinner round II. This time we feasted on baked fish with cheesy risotto and green beans. So. Good. After dinner we got to catch part of a local fireworks show from right outside the apartment which satisfied my 4th of July fireworks craving! The 4th of July just isn't complete without them, you know?

And so, here we are. Back to work and back into our regular routine. On the plus side, it is already Wednesday(!!!) and the next long (scheduled) weekend is only 58 days away! Sigh. 

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