
Monday, June 27, 2011

A State of Chaos

So we've been busy. That goes along with moving into a new place. I didn't realize just how crazy the past few weeks had been until I started thinking about this post and couldn't figure out where to start! Here's a little glimpse of our lives recently: 

Pack boxes. 
[And a storage unit full of furniture]


Unpack boxes.
[In the new apartment]

Put dishes (and everything else) away. 
[In a futile attempt to reduce the mass quantity of boxes taking up every corner of the new place]

Put clothes away.
Put clothes away.
Put clothes away.
[Yes, we I have a lot of clothes (thanks for correcting that husband)]

Pull dishes back out.
[To use for our house-warming party]

Clean the apartment.
[So people don't think we're total slobs]


Clean the dishes. 
[Then put them away again]

Clean the apartment. Again.
[Because we're really not total total slobs and I can't stand having dirty dishes around]

Pull clothes back out of the closet.
[To pack for our trip]


Put clothes away.
[After 3 loads or so of laundry]

Help (awesome) friends move into their own new place.
[Two days after flying back from California]

Did I mention that the timeline for ALL of this is approximately 2.5 weeks?


That makes me tired all over again!

So yes, we moved. Two weeks later we had a rockin housewarming party. Four days after that we went to California for a week. And then, two days after returning to Dallas, we helped our friends move.

We clearly like chaos.

I've got pictures galore from our 7 glorious days in California-land....but they will have to wait for next time (because I really am exhausted all over again just thinking about the past few weeks!). Until then, here's one of my favorite pictures from our trip to tide you over. Ahhh Malibu!


1 comment:

  1. Hi that is very nice describe of the log furniture. I think Cottage Furniture best and beautiful you are decorate your house of this furniture.


Monday, June 27, 2011

A State of Chaos

So we've been busy. That goes along with moving into a new place. I didn't realize just how crazy the past few weeks had been until I started thinking about this post and couldn't figure out where to start! Here's a little glimpse of our lives recently: 

Pack boxes. 
[And a storage unit full of furniture]


Unpack boxes.
[In the new apartment]

Put dishes (and everything else) away. 
[In a futile attempt to reduce the mass quantity of boxes taking up every corner of the new place]

Put clothes away.
Put clothes away.
Put clothes away.
[Yes, we I have a lot of clothes (thanks for correcting that husband)]

Pull dishes back out.
[To use for our house-warming party]

Clean the apartment.
[So people don't think we're total slobs]


Clean the dishes. 
[Then put them away again]

Clean the apartment. Again.
[Because we're really not total total slobs and I can't stand having dirty dishes around]

Pull clothes back out of the closet.
[To pack for our trip]


Put clothes away.
[After 3 loads or so of laundry]

Help (awesome) friends move into their own new place.
[Two days after flying back from California]

Did I mention that the timeline for ALL of this is approximately 2.5 weeks?


That makes me tired all over again!

So yes, we moved. Two weeks later we had a rockin housewarming party. Four days after that we went to California for a week. And then, two days after returning to Dallas, we helped our friends move.

We clearly like chaos.

I've got pictures galore from our 7 glorious days in California-land....but they will have to wait for next time (because I really am exhausted all over again just thinking about the past few weeks!). Until then, here's one of my favorite pictures from our trip to tide you over. Ahhh Malibu!


1 comment:

  1. Hi that is very nice describe of the log furniture. I think Cottage Furniture best and beautiful you are decorate your house of this furniture.
