
Sunday, October 9, 2011

In the Big Apple

Taylor came to NY last weekend and we had a blast! Friday night we tried out an adorable wine bar called Terroir. They have an extensive wine list and a delicious foodie menu. We tried their classic bruschetta and a funky version of meatballs. They definitely weren't your ordinary Italian-red-sauce-pasta meatballs. Oh no. These were risotto, oxtail, red wine meatballs. And they were fabulous.

Friday night we stayed at the Affinia Hotel in midtown - it was the cutest hotel ever. I couldn't resist taking pictures of our room and the lobby!

LOVE their "do not disturb" door hanger:

Saturday we of course had to make a stop at Stumptown for some amazing coffee. I'm pretty sure this is one of Taylor's all time favorite coffee shops in the city. Their coffee if fabulous and the shop is set up in the lobby of a fun hotel so there are oversized couches and tables everywhere - very fun atmosphere! We discovered it last year and it's become a must-visit every time we're in the city. 

Sunday my sweet husband accompanied me to work so I could finish up a little homework. We made sure to stop and get a NY bagel at a place near my job called Ess-A-Bagel. Words don't do these bagels justice - just take a look at this deliciousness:

 It was a short weekend but soooo much fun. I can't wait until the next 6 weeks are over :) And yes. We only took one picture of US the entire weekend. Gotta work on that next time!

One last little tib-bit to share (and I know I'm going out of chronological order here, sorry!): my sweet husband sent me a care-package a few weeks ago. The contents of the package included the most amazing smelling candle ever, post-its, and a Starbucks card. My husband absolutely knows the way to my heart :)

1 comment:

  1. SO SO glad you and Taylor got to spend some good time together! It won't be long before you reunited for GOOD!! HOORAY!

    And that candle is one of my all time favs. So, so good. Mmmmmm.

    Hope you're doing well! We MISS you!!!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

In the Big Apple

Taylor came to NY last weekend and we had a blast! Friday night we tried out an adorable wine bar called Terroir. They have an extensive wine list and a delicious foodie menu. We tried their classic bruschetta and a funky version of meatballs. They definitely weren't your ordinary Italian-red-sauce-pasta meatballs. Oh no. These were risotto, oxtail, red wine meatballs. And they were fabulous.

Friday night we stayed at the Affinia Hotel in midtown - it was the cutest hotel ever. I couldn't resist taking pictures of our room and the lobby!

LOVE their "do not disturb" door hanger:

Saturday we of course had to make a stop at Stumptown for some amazing coffee. I'm pretty sure this is one of Taylor's all time favorite coffee shops in the city. Their coffee if fabulous and the shop is set up in the lobby of a fun hotel so there are oversized couches and tables everywhere - very fun atmosphere! We discovered it last year and it's become a must-visit every time we're in the city. 

Sunday my sweet husband accompanied me to work so I could finish up a little homework. We made sure to stop and get a NY bagel at a place near my job called Ess-A-Bagel. Words don't do these bagels justice - just take a look at this deliciousness:

 It was a short weekend but soooo much fun. I can't wait until the next 6 weeks are over :) And yes. We only took one picture of US the entire weekend. Gotta work on that next time!

One last little tib-bit to share (and I know I'm going out of chronological order here, sorry!): my sweet husband sent me a care-package a few weeks ago. The contents of the package included the most amazing smelling candle ever, post-its, and a Starbucks card. My husband absolutely knows the way to my heart :)

1 comment:

  1. SO SO glad you and Taylor got to spend some good time together! It won't be long before you reunited for GOOD!! HOORAY!

    And that candle is one of my all time favs. So, so good. Mmmmmm.

    Hope you're doing well! We MISS you!!!
