
Sunday, November 6, 2011

This and That

The weeks have been flying by! It's out of control.

Taylor was here a few weekends ago and surprised me with these beauties:

We decided that we wanted to go to a Broadway show and had our eye on How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (staring Daniel Radcliffe...aka Harry Potter, as well as John Larroquette). Just a few days before Taylor got here I made an amazing discovery: theaters sell day-of "general rush" tickets. For $30 a pop! Now some of you may be thinking "Duh. Who doesn't know that!?" That would be me. I had absolutely NO idea you could get such a deal on tickets! And no, I don't mean going to the TKTS booth. Tickets from there are usually on sale, but are still pricey. To get day-of rush tickets you have to go to the theater where you want to see a show and get in line before the box office opens (usually around 10am). We got to the Hirschfeld theater a little after 9am and joined a crowd of about 50 people. It was a chilly hour or so wait, but we were successful and snagged three tickets (my mom came with us!) in the third row! The one catch with this theater is that the rush tickets are typically partial view. So we did miss a tiny bit of the action on our side of the stage, but we were so incredibly close to the stage that it was totally okay. Daniel Radcliffe was phenomenal and we laughed the entire way through the show. I totally recommend it!!

After the show we took a little trip up to Levain Bakery for yummy, yummy, yummy cookies. We tried the chocolate peanut butter and got a few to go for Taylor's parents.

We had dinner at 5 Napkin Burger that night and let me tell you - it definitely earned itself a spot on my best burger list. It's not quite as good as the burgers at Father's Office (you can read my thoughts about FO here), but I do believe it claimed the #2 spot. Their regular burgers come with Gruyere cheese, caramelized onions, and rosemary aioli. Oh and their sweet potato fries are amazing.

The next day we went to the World Trade Center memorial. Free tickets are available online to see the fountains - they are two large infinity pools exactly where the towers used to be. It was pretty incredible. Taylor took most of these pictures:

After the memorial, we went to a chocolate restaurant for bunch. Yes, a chocolate restaurant. It's called Max Brenner and they specialize in everything chocolate. Hot chocolate, chocolate crepes, waffles with chocolate, chocolate fondue, chocolate bagels, and even chocolate pizza. It's ahhhhmazing. Take a minute and check out their sweets menu. Warning: you may start to drool. 

Since we were rather hungry we did order "real" food - Taylor got a breakfast burrito and I got pancakes. Taylor's food was pancakes were covered in chocolate truffle cream, chocolate shavings, and caramelized bananas and were accompanied with two little bottles of chocolate to drizzle over the top. Whoa-chocolate!

As you can imagine, I was totally chocolated-out after my pancakes and sadly couldn't bring myself to order one of their delicious deserts. I would recommend going just for dessert :)

Right before Taylor had to go to the airport we made a quick stop at Stumptown for coffee. LOVE this place!

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

This and That

The weeks have been flying by! It's out of control.

Taylor was here a few weekends ago and surprised me with these beauties:

We decided that we wanted to go to a Broadway show and had our eye on How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (staring Daniel Radcliffe...aka Harry Potter, as well as John Larroquette). Just a few days before Taylor got here I made an amazing discovery: theaters sell day-of "general rush" tickets. For $30 a pop! Now some of you may be thinking "Duh. Who doesn't know that!?" That would be me. I had absolutely NO idea you could get such a deal on tickets! And no, I don't mean going to the TKTS booth. Tickets from there are usually on sale, but are still pricey. To get day-of rush tickets you have to go to the theater where you want to see a show and get in line before the box office opens (usually around 10am). We got to the Hirschfeld theater a little after 9am and joined a crowd of about 50 people. It was a chilly hour or so wait, but we were successful and snagged three tickets (my mom came with us!) in the third row! The one catch with this theater is that the rush tickets are typically partial view. So we did miss a tiny bit of the action on our side of the stage, but we were so incredibly close to the stage that it was totally okay. Daniel Radcliffe was phenomenal and we laughed the entire way through the show. I totally recommend it!!

After the show we took a little trip up to Levain Bakery for yummy, yummy, yummy cookies. We tried the chocolate peanut butter and got a few to go for Taylor's parents.

We had dinner at 5 Napkin Burger that night and let me tell you - it definitely earned itself a spot on my best burger list. It's not quite as good as the burgers at Father's Office (you can read my thoughts about FO here), but I do believe it claimed the #2 spot. Their regular burgers come with Gruyere cheese, caramelized onions, and rosemary aioli. Oh and their sweet potato fries are amazing.

The next day we went to the World Trade Center memorial. Free tickets are available online to see the fountains - they are two large infinity pools exactly where the towers used to be. It was pretty incredible. Taylor took most of these pictures:

After the memorial, we went to a chocolate restaurant for bunch. Yes, a chocolate restaurant. It's called Max Brenner and they specialize in everything chocolate. Hot chocolate, chocolate crepes, waffles with chocolate, chocolate fondue, chocolate bagels, and even chocolate pizza. It's ahhhhmazing. Take a minute and check out their sweets menu. Warning: you may start to drool. 

Since we were rather hungry we did order "real" food - Taylor got a breakfast burrito and I got pancakes. Taylor's food was pancakes were covered in chocolate truffle cream, chocolate shavings, and caramelized bananas and were accompanied with two little bottles of chocolate to drizzle over the top. Whoa-chocolate!

As you can imagine, I was totally chocolated-out after my pancakes and sadly couldn't bring myself to order one of their delicious deserts. I would recommend going just for dessert :)

Right before Taylor had to go to the airport we made a quick stop at Stumptown for coffee. LOVE this place!

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