
Monday, December 19, 2011

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas

Remember how we have massive 18-foot ceilings in our apartment?
Well when you have ceilings that need a massive tree, of course!

Or at least that's the logic my sweet husband tried to persuade me with when we were at Home Depot looking for trees a few weekends ago.

It worked.

May I present...our 10-foot tree:

Once we chose a tree, we tried to lift it up in the Home Depot parking lot, just to test out if we'd be able to get it home by ourselves.

And we failed.

10 feet of solid tree is heavy!

So, we called my wonderful brother-in-law, Sawyer, and he helped Taylor get the massive thing into our apartment. I don't even want to think about how we're going to get it down!

I needed to stand on my tip-toes on our highest bar stool to get the star on....but we did it!

It's funny how a ten-foot tree just doesn't look quite as tall as it normally would when you have such high ceilings!

I love our family of Christmas reindeer.
We started off with just the baby one and now have the whole set.
They often move around the kitchen island and end up in different spots.

These pretty glasses are from Taylor's grandparents...they're perfect Christmas decor!

More decorations:

Are our stockings hung on the wall with 3M Adhesive Wall Hooks? Yes. Yes they are.
And we love them.

The first gift under the tree!
I so win.

And the second and third.
Taylor wins for these.

This is probably my favorite of our Christmas "decorations" - it's our gift wrap corner! As I've said before, I love crafts. I love ribbons and bows and wrapping paper too. I love them even more when they're all organized in cute little boxes. :)

Last year I went to Target a few days after Christmas and stocked up on everything gift wrap. I have a hard time buying really fancy wrapping paper at full price - $9 a roll makes me cringe! But at 70% can buy just about everything!

Taylor and I have an ornament tradition and pick out a new one each year.

We have an engagement ornament from 2008 and an "our first Christmas" ornament from 2009.

This was our 2010 ornament (we wrote the year on the bottom of the ornament with a Sharpie):

This year we couldn't choose just one so we have two 2011 ornaments:

Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to attach "2011" on them!

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Monday, December 19, 2011

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas

Remember how we have massive 18-foot ceilings in our apartment?
Well when you have ceilings that need a massive tree, of course!

Or at least that's the logic my sweet husband tried to persuade me with when we were at Home Depot looking for trees a few weekends ago.

It worked.

May I present...our 10-foot tree:

Once we chose a tree, we tried to lift it up in the Home Depot parking lot, just to test out if we'd be able to get it home by ourselves.

And we failed.

10 feet of solid tree is heavy!

So, we called my wonderful brother-in-law, Sawyer, and he helped Taylor get the massive thing into our apartment. I don't even want to think about how we're going to get it down!

I needed to stand on my tip-toes on our highest bar stool to get the star on....but we did it!

It's funny how a ten-foot tree just doesn't look quite as tall as it normally would when you have such high ceilings!

I love our family of Christmas reindeer.
We started off with just the baby one and now have the whole set.
They often move around the kitchen island and end up in different spots.

These pretty glasses are from Taylor's grandparents...they're perfect Christmas decor!

More decorations:

Are our stockings hung on the wall with 3M Adhesive Wall Hooks? Yes. Yes they are.
And we love them.

The first gift under the tree!
I so win.

And the second and third.
Taylor wins for these.

This is probably my favorite of our Christmas "decorations" - it's our gift wrap corner! As I've said before, I love crafts. I love ribbons and bows and wrapping paper too. I love them even more when they're all organized in cute little boxes. :)

Last year I went to Target a few days after Christmas and stocked up on everything gift wrap. I have a hard time buying really fancy wrapping paper at full price - $9 a roll makes me cringe! But at 70% can buy just about everything!

Taylor and I have an ornament tradition and pick out a new one each year.

We have an engagement ornament from 2008 and an "our first Christmas" ornament from 2009.

This was our 2010 ornament (we wrote the year on the bottom of the ornament with a Sharpie):

This year we couldn't choose just one so we have two 2011 ornaments:

Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to attach "2011" on them!

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