
Friday, March 2, 2012

Photo-A-Day March

Let March begin!

Day 1
Looking UP at the fan in our bedroom.
Motion, shadow, and a little lens-flare.
[Photos by Taylor]
I love his creativity!

Quick story.
This will make you laugh.

As we were getting ready for bed last night,
Taylor started tossing one of our small throw pillows into the air.
We often toss things up as high as they'll go.
It happens when you have 18-ft ceilings.
[It's really fun]

Anyway, after a few not-so-high tosses, he throws one up with all his might.

And it lands

The very-high, very-close-to-18-feet-up windowsill.

We stared at it in amazement.
And then cracked up.

I was laughing too hard to get my phone out in time.
By the time I was ready to snap a picture,
Taylor had [amazingly!] already knocked it down with another pillow!

Here's a little perspective for you.
You can see the very top of our bedroom door in the bottom left of the picture.
The windowsill is all the way in the top right corner.

We may be keeping the tossing in the living room from now on!

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Photo-A-Day March

Let March begin!

Day 1
Looking UP at the fan in our bedroom.
Motion, shadow, and a little lens-flare.
[Photos by Taylor]
I love his creativity!

Quick story.
This will make you laugh.

As we were getting ready for bed last night,
Taylor started tossing one of our small throw pillows into the air.
We often toss things up as high as they'll go.
It happens when you have 18-ft ceilings.
[It's really fun]

Anyway, after a few not-so-high tosses, he throws one up with all his might.

And it lands

The very-high, very-close-to-18-feet-up windowsill.

We stared at it in amazement.
And then cracked up.

I was laughing too hard to get my phone out in time.
By the time I was ready to snap a picture,
Taylor had [amazingly!] already knocked it down with another pillow!

Here's a little perspective for you.
You can see the very top of our bedroom door in the bottom left of the picture.
The windowsill is all the way in the top right corner.

We may be keeping the tossing in the living room from now on!

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