
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pretty Flowers Everywhere

A flower vendor came to our office building yesterday.
[Kind of random? Yes. But we rolled with it.]
Anyway, roses were wayy on sale.
Believe me when I say: there was a mad dash to the lobby

I snagged two dozen pink and yellow beauties.

Roses are my favorite.
I just couldn't resist!

And now there are gorgeous roses all over our apartment!

Happy Saturday!

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pretty Flowers Everywhere

A flower vendor came to our office building yesterday.
[Kind of random? Yes. But we rolled with it.]
Anyway, roses were wayy on sale.
Believe me when I say: there was a mad dash to the lobby

I snagged two dozen pink and yellow beauties.

Roses are my favorite.
I just couldn't resist!

And now there are gorgeous roses all over our apartment!

Happy Saturday!

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