Saturday, December 3, 2016

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 18-19 Weeks (+Anatomy Scan)

19 weeks!

The weeks keep flying by - I think that's going to be a common theme of this pregnancy!

This picture Taylor took on Thanksgiving looks quite a bit different than the 19 week picture I took with Arden!

Overall I've been feeling pretty good & enjoying the energy that has come back with the second trimester. It's getting a little hard to bend straight over, but other than that I'm feeling pretty normal.

I finished November strong with my pilates workouts (will have to take a picture of my calendar next week). Even though most workouts are short (around 10-15 mins), it feels great to stretch & get moving. The past week or two have been tough to get in walks - our time is just so limited in the afternoons after I pick Arden up from daycare. It's been getting dark at 530ish and Arden has been going to sleep at 6ish so really we only have until about 5pm to get in a walk and then we need to be back home for dinner.

I think I'm doing moderately okay on the weight-gain too, but that's another thing I'll need to check back in on next week!

Over thanksgiving break we spent some time at the Arboretum & got to take another tour of the 12 Days of Christmas - so pretty! Arden was a trooper for most of it!

I've been feeling the baby kick a lot lately - just about every night! Just like Arden, he stays pretty quiet during the day, and then when I settle down on the couch or into bed for the night, I start to feel movement. Taylor can feel him too, it's fun!

We had our midway point anatomy scan last week - that's the "big" sonogram where they take a bunch of measurements of the baby (bones, organs, etc.) to make sure everything is on track. Baby boy is doing great! He's measuring about a half a week smaller than expected, but that's normal - plus Arden was always a little bit on the small side. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if my due date was off (ahead) by a week or two. It's all just guesswork anyway. We'll see!

It's always so much fun getting to see glimpses of the baby during sonograms! We got to see him moving his legs and even sticking his tongue out. It's amazing to be able to watch his little heart beat. The sonographer did confirm that baby W#2 is a boy, but we already knew that!

The only moderately concerning thing that happened during our visit is that apparently my placenta has a lake. Sounds funny, doesn't it? It's nothing to be too concerned about, and apparently fairly common, but basically there is a pool of blood near my placenta. My doctor just wants to keep an eye on it so it means we'll get to have another sono next time - I'll take it! I don't think we would have had another one until the very end, so while I don't want there to have to be a reason to check in again on our little guy, I'm kind of excited that we'll get to see him again right after Christmas.

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 18-19 Weeks (+Anatomy Scan)

19 weeks!

The weeks keep flying by - I think that's going to be a common theme of this pregnancy!

This picture Taylor took on Thanksgiving looks quite a bit different than the 19 week picture I took with Arden!

Overall I've been feeling pretty good & enjoying the energy that has come back with the second trimester. It's getting a little hard to bend straight over, but other than that I'm feeling pretty normal.

I finished November strong with my pilates workouts (will have to take a picture of my calendar next week). Even though most workouts are short (around 10-15 mins), it feels great to stretch & get moving. The past week or two have been tough to get in walks - our time is just so limited in the afternoons after I pick Arden up from daycare. It's been getting dark at 530ish and Arden has been going to sleep at 6ish so really we only have until about 5pm to get in a walk and then we need to be back home for dinner.

I think I'm doing moderately okay on the weight-gain too, but that's another thing I'll need to check back in on next week!

Over thanksgiving break we spent some time at the Arboretum & got to take another tour of the 12 Days of Christmas - so pretty! Arden was a trooper for most of it!

I've been feeling the baby kick a lot lately - just about every night! Just like Arden, he stays pretty quiet during the day, and then when I settle down on the couch or into bed for the night, I start to feel movement. Taylor can feel him too, it's fun!

We had our midway point anatomy scan last week - that's the "big" sonogram where they take a bunch of measurements of the baby (bones, organs, etc.) to make sure everything is on track. Baby boy is doing great! He's measuring about a half a week smaller than expected, but that's normal - plus Arden was always a little bit on the small side. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if my due date was off (ahead) by a week or two. It's all just guesswork anyway. We'll see!

It's always so much fun getting to see glimpses of the baby during sonograms! We got to see him moving his legs and even sticking his tongue out. It's amazing to be able to watch his little heart beat. The sonographer did confirm that baby W#2 is a boy, but we already knew that!

The only moderately concerning thing that happened during our visit is that apparently my placenta has a lake. Sounds funny, doesn't it? It's nothing to be too concerned about, and apparently fairly common, but basically there is a pool of blood near my placenta. My doctor just wants to keep an eye on it so it means we'll get to have another sono next time - I'll take it! I don't think we would have had another one until the very end, so while I don't want there to have to be a reason to check in again on our little guy, I'm kind of excited that we'll get to see him again right after Christmas.

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