Saturday, March 25, 2017

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

36 weeks and the countdown is on!

Here's what we've been up to this past week:

Last weekend we took maternity pictures with Aubrey from The Three & I cannot wait to see how they turned out! She's the best!

When I was pregnant with Arden we took maternity pictures pretty early, somewhere around 30-32 weeks. I had heard a handful of stories from friends about how they had waited too long and were very uncomfortable by the time they finally took pictures, so I made sure to schedule ours for earlier than later. Well it kind of backfired on us because while the pictures were beautiful, I felt like I didn't quite look pregnant enough!

This time around I think we ended up with slightly better timing - my belly is for sure sticking out and very visible!

I spent a long time trying to come up with a cute outfit for Arden...and then Taylor and I chose what we were going to wear in like 5 minutes. I'm actually super happy with how our outfits all coordinated, but it was cracking me up when I was thinking back to the amount of time/effort I put into her outfit vs. ours! Things are way different with baby #2.

Same for the actual picture ideas.
I always love getting inspiration for poses on Pinterest ahead of time, which I did this time too, but then I forgot to look at my Pinterest board and totally forgot to get a few shots that I had intended to.
Oh well!

I splurged and got my hair done at Drybar before our session.
So worth it.
That place makes you feel 100% pampered.
And then you don't have to worry at all about your hair at all for the rest of the day.
I cannot wait to see the pictures!

Last weekend we spent a good amount of time working on Arden's room:
Taylor hung the bookshelves that he made (more here).
He also hung pictures & Arden's bow frame.
We took trip to Ikea & bought a new storage cube,
Taylor assembled everything and then we spent some time organizing and sorting toys.
Her room is coming along!

Gram was in town visiting for the weekend so Taylor and I snuck out for a movie and saw Beauty & the Beast. Loved it!
We also ended up at the grocery store - ha!

This week Arden and I went to Northpark mall to see the turtles and ducks (and run a few baby-related errands while we were there!), we got in a few trips to the playground (since the weather was absolutely gorgeous!), and we even went on a fun pizza playdate to Cane Rosso with some friends. 

Baby Update
We had our weekly OB appointment and BabyT is looking good this week!
He's still head-down & HB is in the 130s.
I am 1 cm dilated & 50 effaced.
My OB swabbed for GBS (results next apt).

Our little guy moves around all.the.time.
He's been getting the hiccups at least once a day too!
Lately he's been pushing up into my ribs if I'm sitting down, but he kicks in all directions.

Momma Update
I'm happy to report that I did not have any sciatica issues this week (so thankful!) but have been making a point to stretch every night and morning - must be helping I guess!

We had warmer weather in Dallas this week and my feet have started swelling (boooo) so I've been trying to drink more water, keep my feet up more, and try to schedule in at least one epsom salt bath a week. I know, it sounds crazy that I have to "schedule" in a bath, but our weeks are so busy and the nights go by so fast that if I don't intentionally plan time to take a bath, it doesn't happen. It's always so relaxing though!

This week's new-ish symptom is minor pelvic pain. I didn't have at all with Arden (from what I can remember, ha!). Just like with my energy level, I feel great in the mornings and early afternoons, but by the end of the day I am just generally tired and a bit sore. It probably hurts most when I get into bed for the night & have to turn over.

Maternity jeans are starting to get uncomfortable so I pulled out all my summer maternity clothes from last time and have been looooving wearing maxi skirts (see 36 wk picture!) and stretchy dresses.

I fit in a pedicure this week.
I decided that I'm just going to get one every two weeks from now until the baby arrives, ha!

Going to the grocery store (or anywhere really) takes 20 minutes longer because just about every.single.person person I run into wants to stop and talk about the baby. I don't mind it most of the time, but the shocked looks when I tell people I have 4 more weeks are starting to get a little predictable.

I'm still doing pilates every day, but have started tucking a small pillow under my belly if I'm doing an exercise laying on my side. I don't think I had to do that with Arden!

Weight gain @ 36 weeks = 22.5 lbs
(up 2 lbs in one week. le sigh. probably has something to do with my next point)

Remember how I was trying to cut back on my sugar intake?
That's not happening much anymore.
These are my new favorite:

Pregnant with Arden at 36 weeks here

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Saturday, March 25, 2017

{BabyT} Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

36 weeks and the countdown is on!

Here's what we've been up to this past week:

Last weekend we took maternity pictures with Aubrey from The Three & I cannot wait to see how they turned out! She's the best!

When I was pregnant with Arden we took maternity pictures pretty early, somewhere around 30-32 weeks. I had heard a handful of stories from friends about how they had waited too long and were very uncomfortable by the time they finally took pictures, so I made sure to schedule ours for earlier than later. Well it kind of backfired on us because while the pictures were beautiful, I felt like I didn't quite look pregnant enough!

This time around I think we ended up with slightly better timing - my belly is for sure sticking out and very visible!

I spent a long time trying to come up with a cute outfit for Arden...and then Taylor and I chose what we were going to wear in like 5 minutes. I'm actually super happy with how our outfits all coordinated, but it was cracking me up when I was thinking back to the amount of time/effort I put into her outfit vs. ours! Things are way different with baby #2.

Same for the actual picture ideas.
I always love getting inspiration for poses on Pinterest ahead of time, which I did this time too, but then I forgot to look at my Pinterest board and totally forgot to get a few shots that I had intended to.
Oh well!

I splurged and got my hair done at Drybar before our session.
So worth it.
That place makes you feel 100% pampered.
And then you don't have to worry at all about your hair at all for the rest of the day.
I cannot wait to see the pictures!

Last weekend we spent a good amount of time working on Arden's room:
Taylor hung the bookshelves that he made (more here).
He also hung pictures & Arden's bow frame.
We took trip to Ikea & bought a new storage cube,
Taylor assembled everything and then we spent some time organizing and sorting toys.
Her room is coming along!

Gram was in town visiting for the weekend so Taylor and I snuck out for a movie and saw Beauty & the Beast. Loved it!
We also ended up at the grocery store - ha!

This week Arden and I went to Northpark mall to see the turtles and ducks (and run a few baby-related errands while we were there!), we got in a few trips to the playground (since the weather was absolutely gorgeous!), and we even went on a fun pizza playdate to Cane Rosso with some friends. 

Baby Update
We had our weekly OB appointment and BabyT is looking good this week!
He's still head-down & HB is in the 130s.
I am 1 cm dilated & 50 effaced.
My OB swabbed for GBS (results next apt).

Our little guy moves around all.the.time.
He's been getting the hiccups at least once a day too!
Lately he's been pushing up into my ribs if I'm sitting down, but he kicks in all directions.

Momma Update
I'm happy to report that I did not have any sciatica issues this week (so thankful!) but have been making a point to stretch every night and morning - must be helping I guess!

We had warmer weather in Dallas this week and my feet have started swelling (boooo) so I've been trying to drink more water, keep my feet up more, and try to schedule in at least one epsom salt bath a week. I know, it sounds crazy that I have to "schedule" in a bath, but our weeks are so busy and the nights go by so fast that if I don't intentionally plan time to take a bath, it doesn't happen. It's always so relaxing though!

This week's new-ish symptom is minor pelvic pain. I didn't have at all with Arden (from what I can remember, ha!). Just like with my energy level, I feel great in the mornings and early afternoons, but by the end of the day I am just generally tired and a bit sore. It probably hurts most when I get into bed for the night & have to turn over.

Maternity jeans are starting to get uncomfortable so I pulled out all my summer maternity clothes from last time and have been looooving wearing maxi skirts (see 36 wk picture!) and stretchy dresses.

I fit in a pedicure this week.
I decided that I'm just going to get one every two weeks from now until the baby arrives, ha!

Going to the grocery store (or anywhere really) takes 20 minutes longer because just about every.single.person person I run into wants to stop and talk about the baby. I don't mind it most of the time, but the shocked looks when I tell people I have 4 more weeks are starting to get a little predictable.

I'm still doing pilates every day, but have started tucking a small pillow under my belly if I'm doing an exercise laying on my side. I don't think I had to do that with Arden!

Weight gain @ 36 weeks = 22.5 lbs
(up 2 lbs in one week. le sigh. probably has something to do with my next point)

Remember how I was trying to cut back on my sugar intake?
That's not happening much anymore.
These are my new favorite:

Pregnant with Arden at 36 weeks here

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