Monday, October 18, 2010

Bring on the Hockey

Saturday evening we went to our first Stars game of the season (thanks to Taylor's company for the tickets!). I have to admit, I'm new to the game of hockey, but man, I love it! I'm not exactly sure why I like it so much, but I do. Maybe because I like ice-skating? (Though this is a rough and occasionally violent version) Maybe it's the people watching? (Gotta love hockey fans. Double-takes happen quite frequently) Maybe it's just because I can actually follow what's going on? (Most of the time anyway!) In any case, it's become one of my favorite spots to watch live, so I'm always excited when we get to go.

We had an extra ticket and got to bring our good friend Andy (who was one of the best men in our wedding) with us! His sweet wife, Kristin, was supposed to come too, but couldn't at the last minute. We took lots of pictures for her :)

It look an extra period and a shoot-out, but we won! It was definitely a fun way to spend our Saturday night!

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Bring on the Hockey

Saturday evening we went to our first Stars game of the season (thanks to Taylor's company for the tickets!). I have to admit, I'm new to the game of hockey, but man, I love it! I'm not exactly sure why I like it so much, but I do. Maybe because I like ice-skating? (Though this is a rough and occasionally violent version) Maybe it's the people watching? (Gotta love hockey fans. Double-takes happen quite frequently) Maybe it's just because I can actually follow what's going on? (Most of the time anyway!) In any case, it's become one of my favorite spots to watch live, so I'm always excited when we get to go.

We had an extra ticket and got to bring our good friend Andy (who was one of the best men in our wedding) with us! His sweet wife, Kristin, was supposed to come too, but couldn't at the last minute. We took lots of pictures for her :)

It look an extra period and a shoot-out, but we won! It was definitely a fun way to spend our Saturday night!

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