
Friday, May 10, 2019

{Baby3} Bumpdate: 30 weeks & nursery prep

30 Weeks! 

We had our 30-week appointment! Baby girl is doing well! She seems to be right on track. We're now switching to appointments every two weeks until mid-June and then we'll switch to weekly appointments - crazy!

Weight gain at 30 weeks: 13.7 lbs total
That would be up 0.6 week over week...which is just about what I was expecting at this point. With 10 weeks left I'm hoping to stay in the 1/2lb a week range!

Last weekend Turner ended up getting a stomach bug and just when I thought we were in the clear, mid-week I came down with it too. It was an awwwwful first 24 hours, but I was feeling much better by the second day thankfully and was finally able to start eating again. 

As I mentioned at last update, I feel like I'm in full-on nesting mode lately!

Taylor and I  finally decided that we're going to make our current study/guest-room into a nursery for baby girl. It's on the 1st floor of our house and so while not super close to our bedroom, it's still downstairs (as opposed to upstairs where the kiddo's bedrooms are). We know how sleep deprived we'll be in the early days of bringing home a newborn, so we want to keep the baby close to us (and the thought of trying to go up and down the stairs multiple times over night seems exhausting!). We usually keep our babies IN our bedroom for at least the first few weeks, but after that, both times, we've wanted a bit more distance to try to help us sleep better and not startle at every single baby sound. 

Turning the guest-room into a nursery will also let Arden and Turner have their own rooms for a little bit longer. They're close to being on the same schedule, but not quite there yet. Arden has been taking shorter naps on the weekend lately, usually an hour or so, from about 1-2/230pm, while Turner still does a pretty solid 2.5-3 hours (usually 1130a-230p). They go to bed around the same time, but typically Turner is down by 630pm and Arden is usually about 7pm. Our guest-room will temporarily move into our media room, which isn't the most ideal situation, but it's a big (and yet still cozy!) room so it'll work out just fine.

So, once we decided which room baby E would be getting, we could start talking about moving furniture around. Turner is still in a crib (he just turned two) and has made zero attempts to climb out, so we're happy for him to stay in it for a while longer! Arden is in a crib with the sides off, but I think she's ready for a bigger bed. So, we're going to move Arden's bed/crib into the nursery and get her a bigger bed. Originally when we thought the kiddos would be moving in together, we had planned to put bunkbeds in her room, but now I'm not positive what we'll do. But in any case, we need a bed for Arden. 

Next, we plan to move Turner's dresser/changing table into the nursery, so we'll need a new dresser for his room. We're also planning to move the glider from his room into the nursery, so we need some kind of seating for his room (so we have room for bedtime snuggles & book-reading!). 

Lastly we need to move our daybed from the guest-room into the media room. That's about all the furniture shuffling! 

Now for the nursery, we're planning on painting the room a light gray ("Bunny Gray" to be exact, how cute is that!?). We got paint this week and plan to paint this weekend! It's the third color down from the top:

The rest of the colors in the room will be white with pops of pink and gray. The crib/dresser/glider are all white (and we have bedding from Arden that's either white or pink), so I'm mainly focusing on decor that will tie everything together.

I've ordered a big sign with baby E's name from this shop - I CANNOT wait for it to get here!! I originally intended for it to double as the sign for our door at the hospital, but now I'm second guessing how big it's going to be so I may need to look into a second sign for that!

We also ordered this gorgeous, gorgeous sign with one of my favorite verses from Rustic Rose Designs and they went absolutely above and beyond with the perfect colors, hand-painted roses, and the beautiful lettering! How perfect is it going to be!?

I splurged and ordered a Himalayan salt lamp for the nursery. I've been wanting to try one for a while, but I'm most excited about it because it casts a very dim red light and I think that'll be perfect for late-night feedings. 

I think curtains and a rug will end up being low priority on the list unfortunately, but the room does need both of those things too.

Other items on my "prepping for baby list" include:
  • Looking into newborn photographers (the one that we absolutely love and have used for the other two babies is about to have her own baby & lives just a little far away so I'm trying to see what our options are close-by)
  • Starting to think about my hospital well if there is any post-partum clothing I need to order
  • Once the room is painted & the furniture is moved I'm planning to pull out, sort, and wash baby clothing. Also planning to assess the baby "stuff" we have and what we still need to go out and buy (ie pacifiers/bottles/swaddles/bathing stuff/diapers/wipes)

Turner-bear got spoiled with birthday gifts from family!

Even sister approved of his new presents:

The kiddos both had super successful dentist cavities!

And then we end up doing things like this right after dentist appointments go well LOL....

Super random but we happened to discover that it was "Arden Day" at Culver's near us (which is kind of like a Friendlies for all you east-coasters). They apparently put up a new name every day and someone just happened to let us know that it was Arden of course we had to stop for ice cream after school!

Our town's farmers market officially opened and we had a blast checking out all the fresh produce and other delicious things!

Our uncle Rick came over last weekend and helped us start overhauling our yard! He and Taylor ripped out a bunch of overgrown bushes and then trimmed a big tree near the front of our house.

The kids and I mostly just played outside and watched the guys work, but we did help a bit & moved branches down to the street.

I guess we were in a planting mood (the weather has been gorgeous!), so the next day we went to home depot and bought a bunch of herbs and a few plants, and Taylor planted everything with the kids. We loved having fresh herbs at our old house so we're hoping we can get a good herb garden going here too.

For herbs we got rosemary, basil, thyme, and mint:

For plants we got two types of tomatoes, and then red bell pepper and (at my request) jalapeno peppers! Honestly we've never had super great success growing veggies so I'm curious to see if we can actually do it this time. 

Turner, living his best life at CFA:

Baby E is the size of a pineapple, what the what!?

 30 Weeks with Arden

30 Weeks with Turner

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Friday, May 10, 2019

{Baby3} Bumpdate: 30 weeks & nursery prep

30 Weeks! 

We had our 30-week appointment! Baby girl is doing well! She seems to be right on track. We're now switching to appointments every two weeks until mid-June and then we'll switch to weekly appointments - crazy!

Weight gain at 30 weeks: 13.7 lbs total
That would be up 0.6 week over week...which is just about what I was expecting at this point. With 10 weeks left I'm hoping to stay in the 1/2lb a week range!

Last weekend Turner ended up getting a stomach bug and just when I thought we were in the clear, mid-week I came down with it too. It was an awwwwful first 24 hours, but I was feeling much better by the second day thankfully and was finally able to start eating again. 

As I mentioned at last update, I feel like I'm in full-on nesting mode lately!

Taylor and I  finally decided that we're going to make our current study/guest-room into a nursery for baby girl. It's on the 1st floor of our house and so while not super close to our bedroom, it's still downstairs (as opposed to upstairs where the kiddo's bedrooms are). We know how sleep deprived we'll be in the early days of bringing home a newborn, so we want to keep the baby close to us (and the thought of trying to go up and down the stairs multiple times over night seems exhausting!). We usually keep our babies IN our bedroom for at least the first few weeks, but after that, both times, we've wanted a bit more distance to try to help us sleep better and not startle at every single baby sound. 

Turning the guest-room into a nursery will also let Arden and Turner have their own rooms for a little bit longer. They're close to being on the same schedule, but not quite there yet. Arden has been taking shorter naps on the weekend lately, usually an hour or so, from about 1-2/230pm, while Turner still does a pretty solid 2.5-3 hours (usually 1130a-230p). They go to bed around the same time, but typically Turner is down by 630pm and Arden is usually about 7pm. Our guest-room will temporarily move into our media room, which isn't the most ideal situation, but it's a big (and yet still cozy!) room so it'll work out just fine.

So, once we decided which room baby E would be getting, we could start talking about moving furniture around. Turner is still in a crib (he just turned two) and has made zero attempts to climb out, so we're happy for him to stay in it for a while longer! Arden is in a crib with the sides off, but I think she's ready for a bigger bed. So, we're going to move Arden's bed/crib into the nursery and get her a bigger bed. Originally when we thought the kiddos would be moving in together, we had planned to put bunkbeds in her room, but now I'm not positive what we'll do. But in any case, we need a bed for Arden. 

Next, we plan to move Turner's dresser/changing table into the nursery, so we'll need a new dresser for his room. We're also planning to move the glider from his room into the nursery, so we need some kind of seating for his room (so we have room for bedtime snuggles & book-reading!). 

Lastly we need to move our daybed from the guest-room into the media room. That's about all the furniture shuffling! 

Now for the nursery, we're planning on painting the room a light gray ("Bunny Gray" to be exact, how cute is that!?). We got paint this week and plan to paint this weekend! It's the third color down from the top:

The rest of the colors in the room will be white with pops of pink and gray. The crib/dresser/glider are all white (and we have bedding from Arden that's either white or pink), so I'm mainly focusing on decor that will tie everything together.

I've ordered a big sign with baby E's name from this shop - I CANNOT wait for it to get here!! I originally intended for it to double as the sign for our door at the hospital, but now I'm second guessing how big it's going to be so I may need to look into a second sign for that!

We also ordered this gorgeous, gorgeous sign with one of my favorite verses from Rustic Rose Designs and they went absolutely above and beyond with the perfect colors, hand-painted roses, and the beautiful lettering! How perfect is it going to be!?

I splurged and ordered a Himalayan salt lamp for the nursery. I've been wanting to try one for a while, but I'm most excited about it because it casts a very dim red light and I think that'll be perfect for late-night feedings. 

I think curtains and a rug will end up being low priority on the list unfortunately, but the room does need both of those things too.

Other items on my "prepping for baby list" include:
  • Looking into newborn photographers (the one that we absolutely love and have used for the other two babies is about to have her own baby & lives just a little far away so I'm trying to see what our options are close-by)
  • Starting to think about my hospital well if there is any post-partum clothing I need to order
  • Once the room is painted & the furniture is moved I'm planning to pull out, sort, and wash baby clothing. Also planning to assess the baby "stuff" we have and what we still need to go out and buy (ie pacifiers/bottles/swaddles/bathing stuff/diapers/wipes)

Turner-bear got spoiled with birthday gifts from family!

Even sister approved of his new presents:

The kiddos both had super successful dentist cavities!

And then we end up doing things like this right after dentist appointments go well LOL....

Super random but we happened to discover that it was "Arden Day" at Culver's near us (which is kind of like a Friendlies for all you east-coasters). They apparently put up a new name every day and someone just happened to let us know that it was Arden of course we had to stop for ice cream after school!

Our town's farmers market officially opened and we had a blast checking out all the fresh produce and other delicious things!

Our uncle Rick came over last weekend and helped us start overhauling our yard! He and Taylor ripped out a bunch of overgrown bushes and then trimmed a big tree near the front of our house.

The kids and I mostly just played outside and watched the guys work, but we did help a bit & moved branches down to the street.

I guess we were in a planting mood (the weather has been gorgeous!), so the next day we went to home depot and bought a bunch of herbs and a few plants, and Taylor planted everything with the kids. We loved having fresh herbs at our old house so we're hoping we can get a good herb garden going here too.

For herbs we got rosemary, basil, thyme, and mint:

For plants we got two types of tomatoes, and then red bell pepper and (at my request) jalapeno peppers! Honestly we've never had super great success growing veggies so I'm curious to see if we can actually do it this time. 

Turner, living his best life at CFA:

Baby E is the size of a pineapple, what the what!?

 30 Weeks with Arden

30 Weeks with Turner

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