Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hello blog, remember me?

Wow has it been an insanely busy few weeks or what??? I can hardly believe Christmas has come and gone and it's already New Year's Eve!

We stayed in Texas this year and celebrated with Taylor's family. We all went to a Christmas Eve candle-light service at our Church, The Branch, and then hurried home to a family tradition of tamales for dinner before opening gifts. Taylor's family has a tradition of doing a secret santa gift exchange among the silbings, and I think it's wonderful! We each draw names around Thanksgiving, and get to focus on just one person instead of everyone! I got Bayley, and Taylor got Sawyer. We definitely had fun with their gifts! And the were we spoiled! So, so many gifts!

After the family gift exchange, Taylor and I snuck away with a bottle of champagne to have our own gift exchange. We opened a few boxes shipped to us from my family in New York, and our gifts to each other. Again, we were so spoiled!

The next morning we awoke to two rounds of stockings: stockings to each other, from each other, and then stockings from "Santa" aka Taylor's sweet parents. Oh! Funny tidbit: each of the guys (Taylor, Sawyer and Jaxon) found nerf guns in their stockings...which meant a lot of shooting of foam darts all morning!

I found his cute little guy in my stocking from Taylor. His name is Puppers:

After a delicious Christmas lunch, the entire family headed out to Glen Rose, TX to spend the day and night with Taylor's grandparents. His aunt & uncle and two cousins were there too!

It was an awesome, fun, very memorable Christmas :)

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hello blog, remember me?

Wow has it been an insanely busy few weeks or what??? I can hardly believe Christmas has come and gone and it's already New Year's Eve!

We stayed in Texas this year and celebrated with Taylor's family. We all went to a Christmas Eve candle-light service at our Church, The Branch, and then hurried home to a family tradition of tamales for dinner before opening gifts. Taylor's family has a tradition of doing a secret santa gift exchange among the silbings, and I think it's wonderful! We each draw names around Thanksgiving, and get to focus on just one person instead of everyone! I got Bayley, and Taylor got Sawyer. We definitely had fun with their gifts! And the were we spoiled! So, so many gifts!

After the family gift exchange, Taylor and I snuck away with a bottle of champagne to have our own gift exchange. We opened a few boxes shipped to us from my family in New York, and our gifts to each other. Again, we were so spoiled!

The next morning we awoke to two rounds of stockings: stockings to each other, from each other, and then stockings from "Santa" aka Taylor's sweet parents. Oh! Funny tidbit: each of the guys (Taylor, Sawyer and Jaxon) found nerf guns in their stockings...which meant a lot of shooting of foam darts all morning!

I found his cute little guy in my stocking from Taylor. His name is Puppers:

After a delicious Christmas lunch, the entire family headed out to Glen Rose, TX to spend the day and night with Taylor's grandparents. His aunt & uncle and two cousins were there too!

It was an awesome, fun, very memorable Christmas :)

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